我的申请秘诀 Parsons 位于市中心,校区散布在寸土寸金的曼哈顿第五大道周围,不论从地理位置,还是行业地位,都处于纽约时尚艺术的中心。其学位分为注重理论的硕士学问及重视实际的AAS学位。Parsons 的科系有摄影、设计、服装、珠宝等,学生作品都相当优秀,而且纽约的设计名师有的就在这授课。 别觉得这么高逼格的学校遥不可及,其实只要你努力(当然还得有一定的天分),就一定可以的。申请Parsons的流程步骤你随随便便网上一搜都会有,作为全美第一的时装学院,每年自然有无数双眼睛盯着他,那么想要超越竞争者跻身Parsons家族需要做什么呢?下面是我在Parsons官网作品集要求。 Parsons Challenge: Create a new visual work inspired by the theme within a piece submitted in your portfolio. Support your process by writing one 500 word essay describing how your ideas developed. You may also submit up to two additional visual pieces that document your process. All forms of media are acceptable—drawing, video, photography, sculpture, 3D work, collage, and digital images. The Parsons Challenge helps the Admission Committee understand how a prospective student develops ideas, visually communicates those ideas, and defends the work in writing. The Parsons Challenge is completed in SlideRoom along with the portfolio. 25Portfolio: The portfolio must be completed in SlideRoom only. Freshman and transfer applicants must submit a portfolio of eight to 12 images. Portfolios can include a range of media such as drawing, painting, sculpture, fashion design, animation, performance, graphic design, or sketchbook pages. We encourage you to show experimentation and breadth, and the portfolio does not need to specifically address the major to which you are applying. 26Essay: The New School brings together a dynamic group of students interested in art, design, performing arts, entrepreneurship and critical thought. We would like to know more about your interest in joining our community and why you would be a good fit for The New School. We are particularly interested in knowing why you have applied to a specific school, college, program, area of study, or campus. 总结起来三点:1. 一本8-12页的作品集,不限媒介不限形式不用太专业,但是要展现你的思维你的热情你research和延伸设计的能力。2. 从作品集的项目里选一个作为灵感创作一个新作品,并且告诉我们你的想法是怎么发展出来的。3. 写一篇作文,告诉我们你为什么要来Parsons以及我们为什么要收你。 我个人觉得,你最最最不能忽视的就是作品集。当时我弄作品集的时候真的搞得我一个脑袋两个大。如果要是问我校方到底喜欢什么类型的作品集,这个问题就太笼统了,没法子回答。其实对于本科生来说作品集没有那么多上纲上线的东西,也不是说你要学服装设计 你的绘画功底就要有多牛逼,而且千万不要陷入去摸索老师喜欢什么,你应该创作出属于你自己风格的东西。 只要你的创意足够让人眼前一亮,你有自己牛逼的解释及灵感来源,Par就会为你转身,因为你的独特,而不是模仿。其实最最重要的就是你的创意和思维,别被一些固有的方向,或者好的作品而禁锢、随波逐流或者借鉴一些来用,再好的东西也是别人的不是你自己的,如果随随便便一个大众化的作品就可以拿到offer,那par也不会成为很多人心中的梦想,(仅仅只是个梦)。