Starsector version 0.8a is now out! Here are some of the more prominent new features in this release:
More hand-crafted star systems to flesh out the core worlds area of the Sector
Procedurally-generated areas to explore beyond the core worlds
Run salvage operations and planetary surveys, with associated missions for further profit
New map interface – redesigned to aid in your exploration
A “lay in course” feature – track where you’re going and how long it’ll take to get there
Ship recovery – repair derelict ships or ships disabled after battle, and add them to your fleet
Revamped carrier & fighter mechanics – command fighters launched from your own carrier
New campaign abilities – scavenging, distress calls, and more
Skill overhaul – added Industry aptitude; every point matters
New enemies to fight (details REDACTED)
Modular orbital stations, for use in REDACTED
Several new ships, including new carriers
New terrain types – pulsar beams and black holes
A new “reckless” officer personality
“Full Assault” and “Eliminate” combat commands; other ship AI and command improvements
Destroyed ships break into pieces
A campaign tutorial, and other changes to make the early game more forgiving
A new set of starting options – a focus on fewer and more clear choices before the game begins
… and lots of miscellaneous fixes and improvements!
• 探索和挖掘行星,并且有与之匹配的可以赚钱的任务
• 新的地图页面设计,以帮助您的探索
•一个“指定路径”(lay in course)功能-显示路径,所耗时长。(类似于自动寻路)
•船舶维护-修理弃船或船舶伤残后战斗,并添加到您的舰队 (所以现在是修好了或者修到一定程度才能继续上?)
•新的作战能力-清除,紧急救援(distress calls 原意是紧急呼救),以及更多 ()
•技能大修-增强技能天赋,每用一点都要进行详细的考虑 (就是不能随便点技能树,需要认真考虑的意思)