曾希勇吧 关注:2贴子:71
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SAP ECC6 EHP6 IDES中的集团: 集团000、001、066为SAP标准集团 集团800、809、810、811、812为IDES标准集团,具体说来: 800 IDES-ALE: Central FI Syst Frankfurt - Deutschland 809 Financials Frankfurt - Deutschland 810 IDES-ALE: Sales System Barcelona - Spanien 811 IDES-ALE: Production Porto - Portugal 812 IDES-ALE: Warehouse Dallas, USA
000账套:client-independent的,用于管理目的,或者作为其他client的最初template,不应该修改该client的内容;066账套:用于sap公司进行远程连接控制,运行early wath服务支持等;800账套:安装的IDES中默认安装有,包含一个用于training目的的一个虚拟公司环境的数据;
其它相关信息:【Protecting Standard Users 】http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw70/helpdata/en/3e/cdaccbedc411d3a6510000e835363f/content.htm
【SAP*,DDIC的解锁等】You can unlock and reset passwords for DDIC and for your own user id in the following way:Please execute the below queries at your database level:
To unlock user ids:SQL>update SAP.usr02 set flag=0 where bname="*user id*" and mandt=client number;SQL>commit; To reset the passwords:SQL>update SAP.usr02 set bcode="encrypted password" where bname="*user id*" and mandt=client number;SQL>commit;
Then log into the system and execute /$sync
SAP* account was removed from the DB, can't be found in USR02 table.Check notes:8852 - Logon with SAP* password 06071992 not possible68048 - Deactivating the automatic SAP* userAfterwards, just reset DDIC with SU01
How to using default 'PASS'?SQL> delete from SAPSR3.USR02 where bname='DDIC' and mandt='000';login/no_automatic_user_sapstar should be set as 0 in RZ10, so you will be able to use DDIC/PASS to login into SAP client 000.两个账号的用途:DDIC - has special authorizations for accessing files on filesystem, that's the reason all SYSTEM CLEANUP jobs in SAP System are scheduled via DDIC.SAP* - is a superuser usefull for setting up the system and client after installation, it is also a backdoor entry to SAP just in case everyone is locked.

IP属地:广东1楼2017-05-07 21:23回复