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【17-05-12-讨论】Flight Factor搞事情,不知FSL怎么看。


Hi friends,
I would like to tell you a little secret today:
Two years ago Flight Factor began a cooperation with a a group of developers to work on a real training simulation for pilots. A simulation at a totally different system depth than our Profession series models.
The group had been developing the training software for exclusive use by flight schools and certification facilities for about 6 years before joining us and today we are ready to announce that we have ported this system for the flight sim world. to X-Plane 11 .
After 2 years of additional hard work, we are close to the completion of a training sim level Airbus A320 model. The team assembled for this model is totally different than our other planes, has nothing to do with the Boeings or the A350. This comes from "the real world" so to speak.
I know, it sounds great but let me cool your jets for a second: This model is going to be very different from what you are used to seeing from FF or anything in XP general.
First , this simulation has it own flight model, rather than coming from X-Plane.
Second, the focus in the development of this model was not the flight sim world but training real pilots. Do not expect the new steward to help you in this model :)
Here is the list of the things we were focusing on,
The main idea was to give a real pilot or a trainee the felling that he is in the real cockpit.
We needed to recreate the ambiance of the real cockpit. Thus, each sound in the cockpit is real. Real? What do I mean? Well, each switch and fan in the cockpit has a sound recorded from the actual a320, the same is true of engines… well…. Not counting the in-flight outside engine sound, which is kind of hard to record.
Next it is all the systems of the plane. Basically, the software running inside the model is a duplicate of the real thing, unlike other models (including FF Pro models) which only approximate the system.
For example, when you press a switch, it doesn’t simulate the action of a valve but simulates an electrical impulse sent to the valve, which reacts accordingly. This is again of high benefit to real pilots, who can learn the actions of simulated systems not only in their result but in the way they work, speed, sound and changes according at the moment of action.

来自iPhone客户端1楼2017-05-12 06:23回复
    Here are the unique features planned for release:
    · Hi quality and realistic interior and exterior visual model.
    · Hi quality and realistic sound pack with hundreds of sounds from the real aircraft.
    · Hi quality display graphics (4K panel).
    · Unique rain effects.
    · Fast access popup panel system.
    · Precise aerodynamical model with unique features like transonic effects, hi speed stall etc.
    · Specific engine model with realistic performance and dynamics.
    · More than 10,000 simulated objects like computers, sensors, units, data buses, bu**ars, relays, etc. with its own logics and behavior.
    · Simulation of data exchange in ARINC data protocol between aircraft computers with precision loss and delays.
    · Realistic simulation of transition effects, self-tests and other real aircraft undocumented features.
    · Physically based implementation of electric, hydraulic, fuel and pneumatic systems with realistic responses and state transitions.
    · Precise flight management system with full profile predictions and modes of operation.
    · Autopilot, indistingui***le from real aircraft, with all modes, transition effects and undocumented features.

    来自iPhone客户端2楼2017-05-12 06:24
      I know this all might sound too good to be true to some people, many have asked and wanted a Ultra model from us for a while, but users will need to realize that a real pilot learns for several years before he is ready to operate an Airbus, so the simmers will need to know quite a lot to use the model. It is defiantly meant neither for beginner simmer nor for beginners in aviation. You need to be an advanced pilot/simmer to comfortably use the model.
      Please do not ask 'when will it be ready'. But it will be ready 'soon'. We would not announce it today if we were not close.
      Our plan is to first release a beta version on Windows and then work on the Mac version.
      Price point: Due to the complexity and the accuracy of the systems - unheard of in x-plane - expect to pay more than with our current models.
      Since we will first release it in 'beta' form, first customers will get a discount (and we expect initial customers to take this sim very seriously).
      I will give you a few teasing shots for today, just to give you a feeling of the quality and clarity of textures (a very important point for real pilots). Please do not ask to see more, all in good time :)

      来自iPhone客户端3楼2017-05-12 06:25
        来自iPhone客户端4楼2017-05-12 06:25

          来自iPhone客户端5楼2017-05-12 06:26

            来自iPhone客户端6楼2017-05-12 06:33
              “soon”,这个插件将会发售,但是因为系统的高度复杂以及精准度,这个价格也会比以往产品会高。FF家的75/76 professional系列售价为65美刀,FF320会高于这个定价。个人预测这个市场定位会和FSL的A320系列相同。

              来自iPhone客户端7楼2017-05-12 06:39
                甚至还模拟了一些“undocumented features”,但是整片声明没有提及到wing flex,所以本人对系统的模拟深度和精准度还是持有怀疑态度

                来自iPhone客户端8楼2017-05-12 06:40

                  来自iPhone客户端9楼2017-05-12 06:45

                    IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端10楼2017-05-12 06:53

                      IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端11楼2017-05-12 08:37

                        IP属地:广东来自Android客户端12楼2017-05-12 08:50

                          来自iPhone客户端13楼2017-05-12 09:25

                            IP属地:广东14楼2017-05-12 10:01

                              来自Android客户端15楼2017-05-12 10:04