* Karsa - A master tactician with a level of play that exceeds even Zeus. His brilliant mind and intellect regarding every country and every scene contained within each country is unrivaled by even the best teams with the best analysts. Karsa, by far, is one of the best players to ever touch the surface of CS:GO, for he is more than a coach for tyloo -- he is a legend.
卡萨- 是一个名副其实的战术大师,其在CSGO上的造诣甚至已经超越了Zeus这样的人物。他聪明而智慧的大脑已经无人能敌,无论任何国家任何CSGO群体的所有最强的队伍和最强的分析团队结合在一起也无法与他相提并论。时至今日,卡萨已经是全宇宙接触CSGO这款游戏之中最屌的人类。他已经远远不止是前天禄的教练而已,他已是一个传奇。

* Fancy1 - Possibly one of the most versatile and most absolutely astonishing players on the face of the planet. While watching fancy play, I felt as though the name fancy1 was quite depictive of his talent on the battlefield, capable of showing fancy play with the awp, rifle, and pistol simultaneously as shown by shift flick shots, immaculate aim control rivaled by only the likes of ShOt_Up, and pistol performances that are absolutely uncanny.
逼王- 很可能是地球表面最全能,个人实力最强的选手之一。每当观看逼王的比赛的时候,我都感觉逼王这个名字完美的诠释了他的操作风格,使用狙击,步枪和手枪进行各种风骚装逼的操作。牛逼的甩枪,精准的控枪总是令人惊叹。

* Kaze - The BnTeT of the team with a lot more abillity than most would think. Simply put, he is coldzera and is capable of doing far more than BnTeT despite his deceptive kd. Although BnTeT has a kd of 1.5, he only obtains such a high caliber of kd because 1.) He plays the "xantares" role that allows for a ton of easy frags, 2.) Everyone he plays is easy af. However, as shown by matches against teams like vici, he is incapable of replicating his "success" with online bot teams vs real talent. However, Kaze is different. Despite the odds being stacked against him, he brought JYP from absolute rock bottom to a dangerous contender in the asia pacific scene. However, Kaze was picked up by Tyloo, showing that the team was quite capable in identifying his skill for themselves, thus making my explanation of Kaze's potential unnecessary.
卡泽- 他就相当于队伍当中的Bntet,并且是加强版的大哥。相对而言我更愿意把他比喻为coldzera。即使Bntet可以达到1.5的kd比例,是因为Bntet在队伍中打得是收割位,就像xantares一样,而且bntet的对手往往都不堪一击。在面对VG的时候,bntet的online属性就暴露无遗,线上虐bot的感觉完全消失了。而卡泽完全不同,他克服了重重困难,把JYP这种鱼塘队从池塘底层带出了水面。

* LOVVEYY - the man of the hour and best player on VG. Cyberzen. This beast of a player is capable of doing a massive amount with very little even on LAN. However, LOVVEYY is a bit of an onliner, so on online matches (typical for china/esl/ect) LOVVEYY is shown as being quite a beast. Conclusively, LOVVEYY was picked up as a way to ensure online victories, but at the cost of potential LAN inconsistency. However, despite supposed inconsistency, there is without a doubt potential for such a talented player to blossom into a developed war machine capable of picking up consistent aces every round.
黑警官- 此人曾经是VG队伍中最强的选手。这个**总是能爆发出强大的能量,即使我们在线下赛中似乎一点也看不到。而且,黑警官很有onliner的风采,线上总是猛如虎。总而言之,flash选择了他,就是要保证线上赛总体的胜率,即使牺牲部分线下赛的结果。然而,除了刻意的不稳定发挥之外,黑警官还是无疑有很大的潜力成为一个杀人不眨眼的战争机器,我们有理由相信他有实力每一局都能为队伍拿下5杀。

* Attacker - Attacker, the "flamie" of the team, is incredibly consistent and is able to follow up team performances with his own undeniable talent. With attacker on the rooster of Ex-Tyloo, in fact, Tyloo went from losing occasionally to garbage with Qz, to becoming a dominating force incapable of losing to low tier chiness trash. With this, Attacker showed his prominence and became a player to definitely look out for!
白菜- 白菜就是队伍中的flamie。发挥十分稳定,而且根据队伍整体的表现状态,他的天赋也会随之展现出来。在原先天禄的阵容中,天禄意外的失去了茄子这种蔬菜之后,得到了白菜以补充缺少的维生素。进而成为了亚洲最有统治力的队伍,对中国鱼塘所有队伍几乎不败。现在白菜又加入flash,以白菜重量级的实力,绝对会让flash的未来更加有看点。

卡萨- 是一个名副其实的战术大师,其在CSGO上的造诣甚至已经超越了Zeus这样的人物。他聪明而智慧的大脑已经无人能敌,无论任何国家任何CSGO群体的所有最强的队伍和最强的分析团队结合在一起也无法与他相提并论。时至今日,卡萨已经是全宇宙接触CSGO这款游戏之中最屌的人类。他已经远远不止是前天禄的教练而已,他已是一个传奇。

* Fancy1 - Possibly one of the most versatile and most absolutely astonishing players on the face of the planet. While watching fancy play, I felt as though the name fancy1 was quite depictive of his talent on the battlefield, capable of showing fancy play with the awp, rifle, and pistol simultaneously as shown by shift flick shots, immaculate aim control rivaled by only the likes of ShOt_Up, and pistol performances that are absolutely uncanny.
逼王- 很可能是地球表面最全能,个人实力最强的选手之一。每当观看逼王的比赛的时候,我都感觉逼王这个名字完美的诠释了他的操作风格,使用狙击,步枪和手枪进行各种风骚装逼的操作。牛逼的甩枪,精准的控枪总是令人惊叹。

* Kaze - The BnTeT of the team with a lot more abillity than most would think. Simply put, he is coldzera and is capable of doing far more than BnTeT despite his deceptive kd. Although BnTeT has a kd of 1.5, he only obtains such a high caliber of kd because 1.) He plays the "xantares" role that allows for a ton of easy frags, 2.) Everyone he plays is easy af. However, as shown by matches against teams like vici, he is incapable of replicating his "success" with online bot teams vs real talent. However, Kaze is different. Despite the odds being stacked against him, he brought JYP from absolute rock bottom to a dangerous contender in the asia pacific scene. However, Kaze was picked up by Tyloo, showing that the team was quite capable in identifying his skill for themselves, thus making my explanation of Kaze's potential unnecessary.
卡泽- 他就相当于队伍当中的Bntet,并且是加强版的大哥。相对而言我更愿意把他比喻为coldzera。即使Bntet可以达到1.5的kd比例,是因为Bntet在队伍中打得是收割位,就像xantares一样,而且bntet的对手往往都不堪一击。在面对VG的时候,bntet的online属性就暴露无遗,线上虐bot的感觉完全消失了。而卡泽完全不同,他克服了重重困难,把JYP这种鱼塘队从池塘底层带出了水面。

* LOVVEYY - the man of the hour and best player on VG. Cyberzen. This beast of a player is capable of doing a massive amount with very little even on LAN. However, LOVVEYY is a bit of an onliner, so on online matches (typical for china/esl/ect) LOVVEYY is shown as being quite a beast. Conclusively, LOVVEYY was picked up as a way to ensure online victories, but at the cost of potential LAN inconsistency. However, despite supposed inconsistency, there is without a doubt potential for such a talented player to blossom into a developed war machine capable of picking up consistent aces every round.
黑警官- 此人曾经是VG队伍中最强的选手。这个**总是能爆发出强大的能量,即使我们在线下赛中似乎一点也看不到。而且,黑警官很有onliner的风采,线上总是猛如虎。总而言之,flash选择了他,就是要保证线上赛总体的胜率,即使牺牲部分线下赛的结果。然而,除了刻意的不稳定发挥之外,黑警官还是无疑有很大的潜力成为一个杀人不眨眼的战争机器,我们有理由相信他有实力每一局都能为队伍拿下5杀。

* Attacker - Attacker, the "flamie" of the team, is incredibly consistent and is able to follow up team performances with his own undeniable talent. With attacker on the rooster of Ex-Tyloo, in fact, Tyloo went from losing occasionally to garbage with Qz, to becoming a dominating force incapable of losing to low tier chiness trash. With this, Attacker showed his prominence and became a player to definitely look out for!
白菜- 白菜就是队伍中的flamie。发挥十分稳定,而且根据队伍整体的表现状态,他的天赋也会随之展现出来。在原先天禄的阵容中,天禄意外的失去了茄子这种蔬菜之后,得到了白菜以补充缺少的维生素。进而成为了亚洲最有统治力的队伍,对中国鱼塘所有队伍几乎不败。现在白菜又加入flash,以白菜重量级的实力,绝对会让flash的未来更加有看点。