首先,中国学生在用英语表达的时候,论点有余,但是支持论点的例子和原因显得严重不足,因此,整篇表达听上去十分干涩,不够丰满。例如,当一个中国学生想要表达他非常喜欢一部电影的时候,他可能会不断地罗列他的论点而无法去挖掘、发展他的观点,他会说“I love this movie, and I think it is amazing. No one loves the movielike I do; it is so goodand I think it is the best film in this world.”这样的表达即使用最漂亮的发音呈现出来也显得苍白无力。甚至有的同学将托福口语题目中常出现的一句话“Use specificdetails and examples to support youropinion.”当作一句没用的话,殊不知这正是托福口语考试希望同学们做的,用充分的事实去展开。一个建议的版本可以是这样的,如果想表达很喜欢Forrest Gump《阿甘正传》这部电影,可以说:“I love this movie because I can learn somethingabout America’s history. For example,I know the lost generation and Watergate scandalthrough this movie. People living in United States start doubting the policy ofgovernment, and of course, how the Vietnam War affected American people’slives. People want to change their attitudes to the war, and look for their ownfreedom and democracy. So I can have the opportunity to enrich my knowledgeconcerning this through this masterpiece.”
再举一例,比如谈到一所好的大学需要具备什么样的特点这道题时,会说“The university has a good library.”或“Theuniversity has numerous trees.”就此停止了,而没能有理有据地展开。
正确的表述比如:“My university has a good library, and it is one of the largest and mostvaluable research libraries in China. It has about 6 million items in itscollection, including over 2 million books and pamphlets and thousands ofcharts, engravings, manuscripts, map and so forth. The library’s half millionmanuscript collection reflects different aspects of Chinese life and culture. Andthe library has grown so large that it could no longer be housed in onebuilding. Two more buildings were built to accommodate the ever increasingcollection in the library. Also, the library is computerized, so students can researchthe information or E-book freely when the professor assigns the new homework, whichmakes the use of the library a pleasant experience.”
还有就是在举例表达时也必须注意中西文化的差异,很多考生在阐述思想时能把中国文化中普遍认同的东西表达出来,却没有能够把中国人为何普遍认同这种东西其背后的原因和条件讲述出来。因为美国人对其背后的原因和条件一无所知,就很难明白你想表达的思想观点,甚至会认为你所表达的观点是荒唐的。比如说,一个学生在谈到在中国用什么交通工具最好这一问题时,阐述了这一观点“Only the very wealthy people can afford to buy acar.”为了使美国人真正理解这句话,就必须按下面的方法来交代原因和条件:The living standard in China is still not veryhigh. The average monthly income per person even in large and affluent citiesis about 200 U. S. dollars. This income is just enough to cover the familyexpenses, without any money left for savings. Furthermore, cars in China arefar more expensive than in the United States. The cheapest car in China wouldbe about 10,000 dollars.Very few Chinese people can save enough to purchase a car, not to mention thecost of car maintenance.
其次,关于连贯性问题。所谓连贯(Coherence)是指为了使段落便于阅读和理解,段落中的句子应该按某种逻辑顺序排列。同时,各部分内容应该用适当的过渡词语连接起来。连贯性原则要求你把相关的思想、事实、例子和证据有条理地放在一起表达。例如下段文字,读起来显得缺乏条理,不流畅:There are reasons why I like to fish. I enjoy thepull of a big fish at the other end of the line. My enjoyment increases if thefish is in the deep waters of a lake. I don’t like him close to shore among theweeds. The hope of catching a big one lures me to the less-known pools and thecool waters near some hidden rock. I like the quiet under the open sky awayfrom the weekend campers and vacationers.
如果在上段文字中加入一些恰当的过渡词语等,那效果就大不一样:There are three reasons why I like to fish. First, I enjoy thepull of a big fish at the other end of the line. Moreover, my enjoyment increases if the fish is in the deepwaters of a lake, rather than close to shore among the weeds. Second, the hope of catching a big one lures me to theless-known pools and the cool waters near some hidden rock. Finally, I like the quiet under theopen sky away from the weekend campers and vacationers.
Sample 1
When we choose a car, we must think about manythings. It must be big enough for the number of people we want to carry. Itmust not cost more than we want to spend. It should be fuel efficient. We wanta car that looks good. It can be difficult to find the right car.
Sample 2
When we choose a car, we must think about many things.The most important is that it mustbe big enough for the number of people we want to carry.Additionally, it must not cost more than we want to spend, andit should be fuel efficient. Finally, we want a car that looks good.It can be difficult to find the right car.
Sample 1是考生们在讲英语时容易犯的毛病。这个毛病就是在表达思想时更注重把观点简单地罗列起来,而不会按照一定的顺序来陈述自己的思想。而Sample 2则是有顺序地把思想表达出来。
由上面的例子可以得出,语言的连贯与否是评价新托福考试中考生的表达优劣的重要标准。ETS的考官在与朗阁海外考试研究中心的老师的交流中,明确说明了transitional words在答案中的重要性。熟练、有效的使用连接词能将答案进行明确的规划和梳理,使答案充满层次感,这也是评分标准中Topic development要求的重要体现。
重单词,轻搭配。笔者在教学中也经常发现这样的同学。他们说:我的词汇量有6000,为什么英语还是那么差?我们感受最深的是许多词汇是输入型词汇(passive words), 即那些只有在阅读中遇到才被唤起意义的词汇。而考生们对那些在听、说、写时能灵活运用的输出型词汇(active words)储备的并不丰富,像那些有多重意义和多种用法的词汇,例如take/get/do/make/alter等这些基本上万能的词,考生虽然认得,但运用能力却极差。所以这也显示出了中国学生在扩充词汇时,往往“重单词,轻搭配”。而口语中经常使用的就是上述小词的灵活搭配。所以朗阁海外考试研究中心的老师建议考生们平时不要忽略对英语口语常见搭配的掌握。笔者在后文附上了《American Heritage Word Frequency Book》关于日常会话中最常见的词汇表。
附表:下面列出的就是根据《American Heritage Word Frequency Book》的统计数据,人们在的日常会话中最常用的100个词,这些词都是中国学生初中就已经熟悉的词汇:
the, of, and, a, to, in, is, you, that, it, he,for, was, on, are, as, with, his, they, at, be, this, from, I, have, or, by,one, had, not, but, what, all, were, when, we, there, can, an, your, which,their, said, if, do, will, each, about, how, up, out, them, then, she, many,some, so, these, would, other, into, has, more, her, two, like, him, see, time,could, no, make, than, first, been, its, who, now, people, my, made, over, did,down, only, way, find, use, may, water, long, little, very, after, words,called, just, where, most, know.
Get,though, back, much, before, go, good, new,write, our, used, me,man, too, any, day, same, right, look, think, also,around, another, came, come, work, three, word, must, because,does, part,even,place, well, such, here,take, why, things,help, put, years, different,away, again, off,went, old, number, great, tell, men, say, small, every, found,still, between, name, should, Mr., home, big, give, air, line, set, own, under,read, last, never, us, left, end, along, while, might, next, sound, below, saw,something, thought, both, few, those, always.
accept, allow, ask, believe, borrow, break, bring,buy, can/be able, cancel, change, clean, comb, complain, cough, count, cut,dance, draw, drink, drive, eat, explain, fall, fill, find, finish, fit, fix,fly, forget, give, go, have, hear, hurt, know, learn, leave, listen, live,look, lose, make/do, need, open, pay, play, put, rain, read, reply, run, say,see, sell, send, sign, sing, sit, sleep, smoke, speak, spell, spend, stand, start/begin,study, succeed, swim, take, talk, teach, tell, think, translate, travel, try,turn, off, turn, on, type, understand, use, wait, wake, up, want, watch, work,worry, write.