Bears too strong?
I shot a bear in the face once and in the chest twice and he still mauled me. I get up and grab my rifle and shoot him in the back as he walks away thinking 4 bullets anywhere on him would drop him let alone 2 to the chest 1 to the head but he just runs off and I miss the next two shots as he runs back and forth. He charges me again and I miss again.. mauled again but still alive (2 wolf coats and other good gear). I turn to pick up the rifle that was knocked from my hands and before I can even turn back in his direction he is on me again and kills me. THIS IS BS. I shot him 4 times and he still manages to maul me 3 times and kill me. I'm waiting for full release and trying it again but I'm done for now for sure and if this does not get addressed I'm just going to find a different game to play. I play games that are fun not stressful and annoying.
I shot a bear in the face once and in the chest twice and he still mauled me. I get up and grab my rifle and shoot him in the back as he walks away thinking 4 bullets anywhere on him would drop him let alone 2 to the chest 1 to the head but he just runs off and I miss the next two shots as he runs back and forth. He charges me again and I miss again.. mauled again but still alive (2 wolf coats and other good gear). I turn to pick up the rifle that was knocked from my hands and before I can even turn back in his direction he is on me again and kills me. THIS IS BS. I shot him 4 times and he still manages to maul me 3 times and kill me. I'm waiting for full release and trying it again but I'm done for now for sure and if this does not get addressed I'm just going to find a different game to play. I play games that are fun not stressful and annoying.