林书豪吧 关注:255,366贴子:7,550,364

【动态0605】前进金三角 林行善清莱后返美?


一日工资的EugeneCho牧师:一日工资跟书豪的合作始于去年, 我回想起合作之初他就不愿意只是单纯的财务捐款而已, 而是希望他及他的团队能更多的参与各种不同的议题, 我们当初曾讨论过一起进行公益之旅,但老实说我想不到他的整个团队也会随行。
我并不是怀疑他的善心, 但因为他持续不断的训练计画,再加入我的行程那简直是令人难以置信的疯狂, 但因为上天的恩典, 最后还是成真了。
在过去这周, 我们的足迹遍布泰国并且让我们对帮助女童的工作上种种细微且复杂的问题有更多的了解…例如父权、 贫穷、 人口贩运、 教育还有其他持续发现的问题。
本周稍早时我们走进了一个曼谷的红灯区, 在那里, 每个夜晚都有超过一万名性工作者在那工作, 我曾到过这里几次,但再度到来还是满心的沉重及痛苦, 这些性工作者中的许多是来自偏远的乡下,山区部落,及邻近国家,,我非常的感谢书豪及他的团队本周加入我的旅程,也非常的感恩许多的NGO团体招待我们并分享他们的热情及心痛,我等不及赶紧回家然后跟大家分享更多心得了。

来自Android客户端1楼2017-06-05 15:57回复

    2楼2017-06-05 15:58
      一日工资的EugeneCho牧师:一日工资跟书豪的合作始于去年, 我回想起合作之初他就不愿意只是单纯的财务捐款而已, 而是希望他及他的团队能更多的参与各种不同的议题, 我们当初曾讨论过一起进行公益之旅,但老实说我想不到他的整个团队也会随行。
      我并不是怀疑他的善心, 但因为他持续不断的训练计画,再加入我的行程那简直是令人难以置信的疯狂, 但因为上天的恩典, 最后还是成真了。
      在过去这周, 我们的足迹遍布泰国并且让我们对帮助女童的工作上种种细微且复杂的问题有更多的了解…例如父权、 贫穷、 人口贩运、 教育还有其他持续发现的问题。
      本周稍早时我们走进了一个曼谷的红灯区, 在那里, 每个夜晚都有超过一万名性工作者在那工作, 我曾到过这里几次,但再度到来还是满心的沉重及痛苦, 这些性工作者中的许多是来自偏远的乡下,山区部落,及邻近国家,,我非常的感谢书豪及他的团队本周加入我的旅程,也非常的感恩许多的NGO团体招待我们并分享他们的热情及心痛,我等不及赶紧回家然后跟大家分享更多心得了。
      pastoreugenecho:When @jlin7 and @onedayswages began our partnership this past year, I was taken back that he didn't just want to make a financial donation but he shared that he and his team also wanted to learn more about various issues. We talked about taking a trip together but I honestly didn't think his team would follow through. Not that I questioned his heart but his schedule is crazy a day he's constantly training. Add my schedule. But by God's grace, it happened. We've been traveling throughout Thailand this past week and learning the various nuances and complexities around girls' empowerment ... patriarchy, poverty, trafficking, education, and then list goes on. Earlier this week, we walked through one of the red light districts in Bangkok where on a given night, there are 10,000 sex workers. I've been here several times before but it's still as heavy and painful. Many of these sex workers are from rural areas, the hill tribes, and migrants from neigboring countries. I'm deeply appreciative of Jeremy and his team for joining me this week. Grateful for the various NGOs that hosted us to share their passion and heartaches. Can't wait to share more as I make my way back home.

      3楼2017-06-05 16:04

        来自Android客户端4楼2017-06-05 16:06
          泰国金三角亚洲象基金会(Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation, GTAEF):兴奋的一天! 林书豪造访基金会,并且尝试体验象夫生活。 gtaef_thailand:Exciting day today! @jlin7 (Jeremy Lin) came to visit the foundation and got a taste of the mahout life!

          5楼2017-06-05 16:07
            rachel:一同旅行了一周,要跟这不可思议的团队说再会了,感觉空虚。感谢EugeneCho牧师,带领我们和林及林书豪基金会一同拜访了the freedom strory。感谢你虚心学习,感谢你鼓励我,感谢你问了思考性问题,而最重要的是你带来的欢笑。 #林书豪#jlin7#香蕉(木有芭乐) #thefreedomstory
            rachel:Said farewell to these incredible humans after a week of traveling together and already feeling the void. Thanks to @pastoreugenecho with @onedayswages for bringing us together with Jeremy and the @jlin7 foundation to visit @thefreedomstory. Thanks for wanting to learn, for encouraging my spirit, for asking thoughtful questions, and most importantly for the laughter. #jeremylin #jlin7 #banana #thefreedomstory

            8楼2017-06-05 16:20
              R. Nabee: 你鼓舞了我,谢谢分享故事。

              9楼2017-06-05 16:22
                mlknena:Thank you for your kindness and visit us. #Jeremylin

                10楼2017-06-05 16:22
                  林和freedomstoryorg 泰国创始总监
                  Tawee Donchai:Just hangout w @JLin7 for a couple days. Blessed by his humble❤️4 God's kingdom

                  11楼2017-06-05 16:24
                    在这偏僻的泰国最北城清莱遇到林,忘了问他勇士跟骑士觉得谁会赢 #jeremylin

                    12楼2017-06-05 16:25

                      13楼2017-06-05 16:33
                        书豪泰国ACT慈善行 篮球趣外打击人口贩运
                        书豪泰国慈善之行,昨造访清迈的儿童倡议中心(Children's Advocacy Center),展现邻家大哥哥的亲和力,穿着吊嘎(背心)和小朋友打球,毫无NBA球星架子平易近人作风让当地人感到惊呼。林非常融入泰国生活,穿着吊嘎与拖鞋趴趴走,尤其吊嘎上印着东南亚最具特色水果之一-凤梨,林也被不少当地球迷或观光客认出要求合影,书豪来者不拒亲切拍照,和小朋友打球也乐在其中。
                        Hug Project Thailand FB及IG:惊奇!! 林书豪到访泰国清迈的儿童倡议中心!! #谦卑领袖
                        The HUG Project Thailand:
                        What a thrill to have @jlin7 Jeremy Lin visit the Children's Advocacy Center in Chiang Mai!?! #humbleleader

                        本楼含有高级字体14楼2017-06-05 16:34
                          ZOE 国际组织的志工Besk Family也在泰国清迈的儿童倡议中心(ACT)与林书豪会面。他说书豪跟他的团队来了解如何打击人口贩运,他也赞美书豪非常谦逊亲和,非常感谢名人能善用名气提升大家认知及传递善心。The Besk Family in Thailand:
                          We had a special guest this week at the Child Advocacy Center of Thailand, the ACT House. Jeremy Lin came by to learn more about how his foundation can combat human trafficking. They were all so kind and humble. We brought down 5 of the ZOE youth to get to meet him and play a little basketball. So thankful for people like him who use their celebrity to raise awareness and spread kindness.

                          15楼2017-06-05 16:35
                            书豪对孩童总是亲切微笑以对,走近、弯腰击掌、签名盖章(盖章可省略loll)、拍照合影,2016年还曾自掏腰包请弱势学童共度愉快的午茶时光。 #亲切亲切

                            16楼2017-06-05 16:36
                              加油,豪叔叔在NBA等着你。 。 。

                              17楼2017-06-05 16:39