1. You must keep it to yourself ,Because that‘’s a secret 你必须守口如瓶,因为那是一个秘密
2.What's going on? 你怎么了?
3.I will return your book as soon as possible 我将会尽快归还你的书。
4.You are keeping things from me ,get past naked 你有事情瞒着我,我们应该坦诚相待
5.I can cut you all the slack ,but you have to change your bad points 我能让着你,但是你必须改正你的错误
6.Are you ok? I am here for you你还好吗? 我一直在这
7.Win a few ,lose a few ,that's life 胜败乃兵家常事,那就是生活

8.Keep your chin up ,you must win next time 别灰心,你下次肯定能赢
9.Pull yourself together ,tomorrow is another day 振作起来,明天又是另一天
10.Don't worry ,you will get used to it soon 别担心,你很快就会适应了
11.Because you are good at learning 因为你擅长学习
12.Don't bury your head in the sand 不要逃避现实
13.You must face it 你必须面对它
14.She has a beautiful personality 她的个性很好、她的气质很好
15.You will never guess 你永远猜不到