15 Baldur the Stonesoul
31 Cassius the Oathkeeper & Wurmwood, Tree of Fate
17 Una the Skyhunter
35 Feral Warpwolf
50 Loki
60 Megalith
20 2只Woldwyrd
34 2队Sentry Stone & Mannikins
24 2队Shifting Stones
18 Una the Falconer
110 Storm Raptor
8 Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew
10 Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress
13 Swamp Gobber Chef
46 2只Ogrun Bokur
40 Circle Orboros Battlegroup Starter Box
15 Baldur the Stonesoul
31 Cassius the Oathkeeper & Wurmwood, Tree of Fate
17 Una the Skyhunter
35 Feral Warpwolf
50 Loki
60 Megalith
20 2只Woldwyrd
34 2队Sentry Stone & Mannikins
24 2队Shifting Stones
18 Una the Falconer
110 Storm Raptor
8 Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew
10 Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress
13 Swamp Gobber Chef
46 2只Ogrun Bokur
40 Circle Orboros Battlegroup Starter Box