At the heart of every legend, there is truth. A few brave souls unite to save their worlds. We can be heros in our own lives, every one of us, if we only have the courage to try. Our fates were always intertwined, but now our worlds are joined as one. We need to repair our planets, work together, if we wish to survive. A danger secret is very deep inside the Earth. There is more to this planet than meets the eye. I am Optimus Prime, calling all Autobots, it is time to come home.
At the heart of every legend, there is truth. A few bravesouls unite to save their worlds. We can be heroes in our own lives, every oneof us, if we only have the courage to try. Our fates were always intertwined,but now our worlds are joined as one. We need to repair our planets. Work together if we wish tosurvise. A dangerous secret is buried deep inside the earth. There is more tothis planet than meets the eye. I am Optimus Prime, calling all Autobots. It istime to come home. 每一个传说的核心,都是真理。勇敢的心团结起来拯救他们的世界。我们都可以成为自己生活里的英雄,即使我们只剩下勇气去尝试,每一个人也依然可以。我们的命运总是紧密地结合在一起,但如今我们的世界已然合二为一。 我们需要修复我们的星球。如果想生存,就必须齐心协力。危险的秘密已经隐藏在地球的深处。这颗星球远没有我们看到的这么简单。我是擎天柱,呼叫所有的汽车人。回家的时候到了。