Probe ZS25 ... ZG4 standard for fixed measuring - with connection housing 德国Hoentzsch品牌FA系列ZS25-ZG4叶轮式风速仪_一体插入式风速传感器
Probe ZS25 ... ZG1/ZG2 standard for fixed and portable measuring - with connection cable 德国Hoentzsch品牌FA系列ZS25ZG1叶轮式风速传感器_圆柱形风速计探头 德国Hoentzsch品牌FA系列ZS25ZG2叶轮式风速传感器_圆柱形风速计探头
Probe ZS25/27 ... ZG2 also for measuring in hot and pressurized mediums - with connection cable 德国Hoentzsch品牌FA系列ZS2527-ZG2叶轮式风速仪探头_手持风速计传感器
Probe ZS25 ... ZG5 Ex-d / ATEX for applications in Ex areas with Ex-d explosion proof housing 德国Hoentzsch品牌FA系列ZS25ZG5Ex-d防爆型叶轮式风速计_带HRAT协议气体流量计
Probe ZS30 ... ZG4 for measuring low flow velocities - up to +350 °C - with connection housing 德国Hoentzsch品牌FA系列ZS30ZG4叶轮式风速仪_低风速环境高精度风速传感器
Probe ZS16 ... ZG1/ZG2 diameter 16 mm - for small pipe diameters - with connection cable 德国Hoentzsch品牌FA系列ZS16ZG1叶轮式风速仪探头_小口径风速传感器 德国Hoentzsch品牌FA系列ZS16ZG2叶轮式风速计传感器_小口径风速探头
Probe ZSR25 ... ZG1/ZG2 with +/- direction sensing - with connection cable 德国Hoentzsch品牌FA系列ZSR25ZG1叶轮式风速计探头_带风向测量的流量传感器
Probe FT25 with integrated temperature sensor Pt100 - with connection cable 德国Hoentzsch品牌FA系列FT25叶轮式风速传感器_集成温度传感器的风速计探头
Probe TS/TSR ... ZG1 for aerodynamic analysis - with connection cable 德国Hoentzsch品牌FA系列TSZG1叶轮式流量计探头_用于空气动力分析的风速计 德国Hoentzsch品牌FA系列TSRZG1叶轮风速计探头_空气动力分析风速传感器
Vane Wheel Measuring Tube 9.7 mm up to 100 °C 德国Hoentzsch品牌FA系列FADi9.7GE100 °C叶轮式气体流量计_9.7mm管路小口径风速计
Vane Wheel Measuring Tube 18.2 mm up to 100 °C 德国Hoentzsch品牌FA系列FADi18.2GE100 °C叶轮式气体流量计_用于18.2mm管路风速传感器
Vane Wheel Measuring Tube 9.7 mm up to 240 °C 德国Hoentzsch品牌FA系列FADi9.7GE240 °C叶轮式气体流量计_用于9.7mm管路
Vane Wheel Measuring Tube 18.2 mm up to 240 °C 德国Hoentzsch品牌FA系列FADi18.2GE240 °C叶轮式气体流量计_用于18.2mm管路
Transducer UFA - in top-hat rail mounting 德国Hoentzsch品牌FA叶轮式风速计流量变送器UFA_用于导轨安装
Transducer UFA - in light metal housing 德国Hoentzsch品牌FA叶轮风速仪流量变送器UFAAS102_金属外壳固定式安装
Transducer UFAPA - IN LIGHT METAL HOUSING 德国Hoentzsch品牌FA叶轮流量流速变送器UFAPA-AS102_现场总线输出型
System Unit µP-ASD-R in combination with +/- direction sensing sensors FAR - in top-hat rail mounting
System Unit µP-ASD in combination with sensors FA - in top-hat rail mounting
Handheld flowtherm NT in combination with flow sensors FA, VA, TA, Pt100 and others 德国Hoentzsch品牌NT手持式风速计流量变送器_分体式风速仪
Handheld flowtherm Ex in combination with flow sensors FA, VA, TA, Pt100 and others for applications in hazardous areas
Software UCOM (FA, TA, VA) for configuring transducers
Isolation / Supply Unit LDX2 (FA,VA) for sensors FA-Ex and FAR-Ex
Flow rate and flow velocity measurement in wet and/or particulate-laden gases, biogas or exhaust gas, also according to Clean Air Guidelines, (TA Luft). Flow rate measurement of sludge aeration air, sewage gas, landfill gas, water vapour and engine intake air on test stations. Flow velocity in climatic wind tunnels, diluted car exhaust gas, traffic tunnels and in nuclear reactor technology.
VORTEX PROBE VA40 ... ZG7standard compact unit, variable insertion depth 德国Hoentzsch品牌VA系列VA40ZG7涡街式流量计_一体式烟气风速传感器
VORTEX PROBE VA40 ... ZG8 EX-D / ATEXstandard compact sensor for Ex applications, variable insertion depth B009/000,VA40 GE 40 m/s p3 ZG8 Ex-d 34200 德国Hoentzsch品牌VA系列VA40ZG8Exd防爆型涡街流量计_带Hart通讯协议
VORTEX PROBE VA40/42 ... ZG2with connection cable - for large, variable insertion depth B009/200,VA40/42 GE 40m/s 100/p3 ZG2 德国Hoentzsch品牌VA系列VA40/42-ZG2不锈钢涡街流量计探头_带电缆风速探头 德国Hoentzsch品牌VA系列VA4042ZG1涡街风速计传感器_插入式不锈钢风速探头
VORTEX PROBES VA40 ... ZG4variable insertion depth, various sensor materials, working temperature range up to +240 °C 德国Hoentzsch品牌VA系列VA40ZG4UVA卡门涡街流量计_插入会耐温高探头
VORTEX PROBE VA40 ... ZG5fixed insertion depth, various sensor materials, working temperature range up to +240 °C 德国Hoentzsch品牌VA系列VA40ZG5涡街式流量计_探杆长度固定适用高温环境
also for wet, particle-laden gases.Offer higher flexibility when used in pipes and ducts with larger diameters or in portable applications.
VORTEX MEASURING TUBE VA DI ... ZG1standard 德国Hoentzsch品牌VA标准型涡街流量计VADiZG1_适用于含杂质多的介质风速流量测量
VORTEX MEASURING TUBE VA DI ... ZG1 EX-D / ATEXcompact sensor for Ex applications 德国Hoentzsch品牌VA防爆型涡街流量计VADiExd_适用于防爆环境的紧凑型传感器
VORTEX MEASURING TUBE EXACTFLOW IIfor test bench measurements 德国Hoentzsch品牌VA高精度涡街流量计ExactFlowII_适用试验台气体流量测量
VORTEX MEASURING TUBE VAR TWINPIPEfor flow measurement in traffic tunnels 德国Hoentzsch品牌VA大流量气体流量计VAR TWINPIPE_用于交通隧道等风速测量
provide almost negligible measurement uncertainty when used in small pipe diameters.
for fixed evaluation of vortex probes VA and measuring tubes VA Di.
HANDHELD FLOWTHERM NTin combination with flow sensors VA, FA, TA, Pt100 and others 德国Hoentzsch品牌VA系列VA40
HANDHELD FLOWTHERM EXin combination with flow sensors VA, FA, TA, Pt100 and others for applications in hazardous areas 德国Hoentzsch品牌VA系列VA40
for portable applications with VA probes
SOFTWARE UCOM (VA, FA, TA)for configuring transducers 德国Hoentzsch品牌VA系列VA40
ISOLATION / SUPPLY UNIT LDX2 (VA, FA)for sensors VA-Ex 德国Hoentzsch品牌VA系列VA40
PC software for downlaoding data from handheld units or configuring evaluation units, isolation / supply units ...