有大神来看看为什么找不到这个照片,天火的图片我是直接在游戏里截图的,但是每次都会再执行End If后面的,怎么回事呀?纯小白,连基础代码都没学过,望指教。
Rem start
key1 = WaitKey()
If KEY1 = 84 Then
Const tupian = "F:\新建文件夹\天火.bmp"
FindPic 0,0,1920,1080,tupian,0.8,intX,intY
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
Goto start
End If
KeyPress "e", 3
KeyPress "r", 1
Delay 1
KeyPress "w", 3
End If
Goto start
Rem start
key1 = WaitKey()
If KEY1 = 84 Then
Const tupian = "F:\新建文件夹\天火.bmp"
FindPic 0,0,1920,1080,tupian,0.8,intX,intY
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
Goto start
End If
KeyPress "e", 3
KeyPress "r", 1
Delay 1
KeyPress "w", 3
End If
Goto start