文案: If I were abandoned by the whole world and plunged into darkness, you would be a light to shine on me. (如果我被整个世界抛弃,跌入黑暗万劫不复,那你就是照亮我的那一道光。) —— By 梵洛伽 If you is king, I wouldbe your piece, if you make up, I wish to be the key to sacrifice。 (你若为王,我便是你的棋子,你若为囚,我愿做那把牺牲的钥匙。) —— By 南宫朝颜 You for the invitation,in my opinion, like the hunter and prey games, drama. (你的邀请在我看来,就像是猎人与猎物的游戏,好戏登场。) —— By 南宫夕颜 If we meet again, I am sure I will kill you without hesitation. (如果再次相见,我确信,我会毫不犹豫的杀了你。) —— By 以赛 In the days that I did not see you, I realized everything, and I knew then that I was never a saint. (在见不到你的日子里,我了悟一切,我这时才知道,我从来不是圣人。) —— By 南宫月见 We were standing on the opposite of each other, weare always living in love can't curse. (我们站在彼此的对立面上,我们永远都活在不能相爱的诅咒中。) —— By 弋辰
文案: In the competition forthis battle, you I have already won the advantage, this advantage, is calledthe "time". (在争夺你的这场战役中,我已经赢得了先机,这个先机,叫做“时间”。) —— By 撒切尔(索瑞西) Just, I have a poorapology for fiancee name. (我所拥有的,只不过是一个有名无实的未婚妻名称罢了。) —— By 爱兰 A battle in the end, forever is not a symbol of peace, but another battle began. (一场战斗的结束,永远不是和平的象征,而是另一场战斗的开始。) —— By 肯切尔 I will sell myself to the devil, but all the peoplethink I am an angel. (我将我自己出卖给了魔鬼,但所有人却觉得我是天使。) —— By 弗雷泽 Guilt is the biggest lie after the injury. (歉疚,是伤害之后的最大谎言。) —— By 丽拉 I in this battle, but is a little pieces, for theking, only to endure. (这场战役中的我,不过是一颗小小的棋子,若想为王,只有忍。) —— By 黛幽