Jiangsu Kun Opera TheatreFebruary Programme 2009
2月7日晚上19:15分February 7th, 2009: THREE CLASSICAL SCENES
《跳加官》Welcoming Act (Tiao Jiaguan)
《狮吼记·跪池》 柳 氏:徐云秀 陈季常:周 鑫 苏东坡:刘 效 苍 头:袁 伟
"Kneeling by the Edge of the Pond" from The Lion's Roar
Xu Yunxiu, Zhou Xin, Liu Xiao, Yuan Wei
《西厢记·佳期》 红 娘:郑 懿 莺 莺:王悦丽 张 珙:张争耀
"The Tryst" from The West Wing
Zheng Yi, Wang Yueli, Zhang Zhengyao
《西厢记·游殿》 法 聪:李鸿良 张 珙:钱振荣 莺 莺:周向红 红 娘:丛海燕
"In the Great Hall" from The West Wing
Li Hongliang, Qian Zhenrong, Zhou Xianghong, Cong Haiyan
2月14日晚上19:15分February 14th, 2009: THREE CLASSICAL SCENES
《红梨记·亭会》 赵汝州:王 斌 谢素秋:钱冬霞
"Meeting at the Pavilion" from The Red Pear Flower
Wang Bin, Qian Dongxia
《幽闺记·踏伞》 蒋世隆:张争耀 王瑞兰:单 雯
"The Trodden Umbrella" from The Secluded Boudoir
Jiangsu Kun Opera TheatreFebruary Programme 2009
2月7日晚上19:15分February 7th, 2009: THREE CLASSICAL SCENES
《跳加官》Welcoming Act (Tiao Jiaguan)
《狮吼记·跪池》 柳 氏:徐云秀 陈季常:周 鑫 苏东坡:刘 效 苍 头:袁 伟
"Kneeling by the Edge of the Pond" from The Lion's Roar
Xu Yunxiu, Zhou Xin, Liu Xiao, Yuan Wei
《西厢记·佳期》 红 娘:郑 懿 莺 莺:王悦丽 张 珙:张争耀
"The Tryst" from The West Wing
Zheng Yi, Wang Yueli, Zhang Zhengyao
《西厢记·游殿》 法 聪:李鸿良 张 珙:钱振荣 莺 莺:周向红 红 娘:丛海燕
"In the Great Hall" from The West Wing
Li Hongliang, Qian Zhenrong, Zhou Xianghong, Cong Haiyan
2月14日晚上19:15分February 14th, 2009: THREE CLASSICAL SCENES
《红梨记·亭会》 赵汝州:王 斌 谢素秋:钱冬霞
"Meeting at the Pavilion" from The Red Pear Flower
Wang Bin, Qian Dongxia
《幽闺记·踏伞》 蒋世隆:张争耀 王瑞兰:单 雯
"The Trodden Umbrella" from The Secluded Boudoir