补充:The Small Sword 小剑

Sometimes known as a "court-sword", a"walking-sword", or "town-sword", small-swords developed inthe late Renaissance as a personal dueling tool and weapon of self-defense.
Most popular in the 1700's it is sometimes confusedwith the rapier.
It consisted almost exclusively of a sharp pointedmetal rod with a much smaller guard and finger-rings.
Its blade was typically a hollow triangular shape andwas much thicker at the hilt.
Most had noedge at all, and were merely rigid, pointed, metal rods.
They werepopular with the upper classes especially as decorative fashion accessories,worn like jewelry.
In a skilled hand the small sword was an effective anddeadly instrument.
Until the early 1800s it continued to be used evenagainst older rapiers and even some cutting swords.
直到19世纪初,小剑继续被用于对抗之前的(?)迅捷剑,和一些斩刀cutting sword。
It is the small-sword rather than the rapier whichleads to the epee and foil of modern sport fencing.
是小剑(而不是迅捷剑)产生了现代击剑的重剑epee和花剑foil 比赛。