Dead Age 3腿
DreadOut(小镇惊魂)+Soundtrack & Manga DLC 4
DreadOut: Keepers of The Dark 3
Lakeview Cabin Collection(湖边小屋) 3腿
Layers of Fear: Masterpiece Edition(层层恐惧豪华版) 15腿
Alien: Isolation(异形:隔离) 22腿
Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location(费雷迪的第五夜:玩具熊) 10腿
Dead by Daylight(黎明杀机) 44腿
DreadOut(小镇惊魂)+Soundtrack & Manga DLC 4
DreadOut: Keepers of The Dark 3
Lakeview Cabin Collection(湖边小屋) 3腿
Layers of Fear: Masterpiece Edition(层层恐惧豪华版) 15腿
Alien: Isolation(异形:隔离) 22腿
Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location(费雷迪的第五夜:玩具熊) 10腿
Dead by Daylight(黎明杀机) 44腿