《卫报》给出了四星!评价相当好了! http://weibo.com/ttarticle/p/show?id=2309404147442579841576#_0 评论:"in the person of Hiddleston, a compelling Hamlet with a genuine nobility of soul" 以及开场抖森弹钢琴了“The first thing we see in this production is Hiddleston’s Hamlet sitting at a piano and softly singing to himself" 好想看弹钢琴并浅吟低唱的抖森!!!
《泰晤士报》的评论 和《卫报》一样 也是给了四星 "He makes the role completely his own, emotional, magnetic, canny, often frolicsome." 不过前面还有一句"he can't sing" PS: 作者也和其他观众一样是靠抽票才有机会去的
彩排那天有人遇到他到达剧场:“One brief highlight of the trip: I briefly met Tom Hiddleston, one of my favorite actors, as he arrived at the theatre for rehearsal. He was incredibly gracious, even though he was in a bit of a rush."