Tom Riddle Sr
… he collided with the glossy chestnut horse ridden by a very handsome, dark-haired young man.
‘Yes, that was Tom Riddle senior, the handsome Muggle who used to go riding past the Gaunt cottage and for whom Merope Gaunt cherished a secret, burning passion.’
‘… the handsome Muggle, Tom Riddle ...’
Merope had got her dying wish: He was his handsome father in miniature …

Cedric Diggory
‘He’s that tall, good-looking one, isn’t he?’ said Angelina.
‘Strong and silent,’ said Katie, and they started to giggle again.
Cedric Diggory was an extremely handsome boy of around seventeen. He was Captain and Seeker of the Hufflepuff House Quidditch team at Hogwarts.
‘And all the Hufflepuffs are talking about Diggory,’ said Seamus contemptuously. ‘But I wouldn't have thought he'd have wanted to risk his good looks.’
‘You only like him because he’s handsome,’ said Ron scathingly.
‘Excuse me, I don’t like people just because they’re handsome!’ said Hermione indignantly.
Exceptionally handsome, with his straight nose, dark hair and grey eyes, it was hard to say who was receiving more admiration these days, Cedric or Viktor Krum.
He had been starting to quite like Cedric – prepared to overlook the fact that he had once beaten him at Quidditch, and was handsome, and popular, and nearly everyone’s favourite champion. Now he suddenly realised that Cedric was in fact a useless pretty-boy who didn’t have enough brains to fill an eggcup.
‘Urgh, Chang, I don’t think much of your taste ... at least Diggory was good-looking!’

Gellert Grindelwald
In the split second that the lantern’s light illuminated him, Harry saw the delight upon his handsome face, then the intruder shot a Stunning Spell from his wand and jumped neatly backwards out of the window with a crow of laughter.
He came across the one he sought almost at once, the young Dumbledore and his handsome companion, roaring with laughter at some long forgotten joke.

He had astonishingly blue eyes, like pale sapphires.
Through the mist came a face Harry had seen once before on a dark, dangerous night in the Forbidden Forest: white-blond hair and astonishingly blue eyes; the head and torso of a man joined to the palomino body of a horse.
‘He's not a horse, he's a centaur!’ said Lavender, sounding shocked.
‘A gorgeous centaur ...’ sighed Parvati.
Professor McGonagall turned next to Parvati Patil, whose first question was whether Firenze, the handsome centaur, was still teaching Divination.

Gilderoy Lockhart
There was a big photograph on the front of a very good-looking wizard with wavy blond hair and bright blue eyes. As always in the wizarding world, the photograph was moving; the wizard, who Harry supposed was Gilderoy Lockhart, kept winking cheekily up at them all. Mrs Weasley beamed down at him.
He didn’t look remotely handsome any more. His lip was trembling, and in the absence of his usually toothy grin he looked weak-chinned and weedy.
‘I am not forgotten, you know, no, I still receive a very great deal of fan mail ... Gladys Gudgeon writes weekly ... I just wish I knew why ...’ He paused, looking faintly puzzled, then beamed again and returned to his signing with renewed vigour. ‘I suspect it is simply my good looks ...’