----澎逸吴树升(欢迎 转载 注明出处)
第一节 码头上艇 (Getting in from a dock)

掌握了要领,进出海洋舟就变得很容易。最方便的下水点可选在亲水码头,在入船前,务必检查一遍所有装备。(Getting in and out of the kayak is easy if you know the tricks. Probably the best place to do it is from a low dock. But before you hop in, remember to check your equipment.)
首先,检查救生衣是否穿戴好,如果使用防水裙,可以先卷起,以免入舱时坐在裙上,将船桨放在伸手可及的地方。(First make sure that you are wearing a life vest and that it is properly fitted. If you are using a spray skirt, it is a good idea to fold it up so that you will not accidentally sit over it when entering the kayak. Remember to place the paddle so that you will reach it easily.)

时刻记得,当需要把您的重量加在船上时,一定要加在船的中心线上,否则太容易覆舟。先要按紧座舱栏的后延,脚的位置也要放在座舱中心线附近。(Keep in mind that when you move your weight over the kayak, it needs to be exactly at the centreline. Otherwise the kayak will tip. So first take a firm hold from the back of the cockpit coaming and check that your feet are at also near the centreline.)

然后把身体抬起,注意重量要慢慢加在手上,将身体放入座舱。出舱的顺序相反。如果使用防水裙,扣紧时从后往前,两侧同时动手最为方便。(Lift yourself up while keeping your weight mainly on your hands. Move your bottom inside the cockpit.Getting out of the kayak is done in the same way but in opposite order.)


1 .保护环境爱护水资源(除了记忆我们不给环境留下任何污染)
----澎逸吴树升(欢迎 转载 注明出处)
第一节 码头上艇 (Getting in from a dock)

掌握了要领,进出海洋舟就变得很容易。最方便的下水点可选在亲水码头,在入船前,务必检查一遍所有装备。(Getting in and out of the kayak is easy if you know the tricks. Probably the best place to do it is from a low dock. But before you hop in, remember to check your equipment.)
首先,检查救生衣是否穿戴好,如果使用防水裙,可以先卷起,以免入舱时坐在裙上,将船桨放在伸手可及的地方。(First make sure that you are wearing a life vest and that it is properly fitted. If you are using a spray skirt, it is a good idea to fold it up so that you will not accidentally sit over it when entering the kayak. Remember to place the paddle so that you will reach it easily.)

时刻记得,当需要把您的重量加在船上时,一定要加在船的中心线上,否则太容易覆舟。先要按紧座舱栏的后延,脚的位置也要放在座舱中心线附近。(Keep in mind that when you move your weight over the kayak, it needs to be exactly at the centreline. Otherwise the kayak will tip. So first take a firm hold from the back of the cockpit coaming and check that your feet are at also near the centreline.)

然后把身体抬起,注意重量要慢慢加在手上,将身体放入座舱。出舱的顺序相反。如果使用防水裙,扣紧时从后往前,两侧同时动手最为方便。(Lift yourself up while keeping your weight mainly on your hands. Move your bottom inside the cockpit.Getting out of the kayak is done in the same way but in opposite order.)


1 .保护环境爱护水资源(除了记忆我们不给环境留下任何污染)