# 机器人 与 AI 概念分开
- Added a Robotic Workers Policy that controls whether or not robot pops are allowed or automatically disassembled. The old AI rights policy now instead determines stance towards sapient AI.
- The AI rights policy is no longer about robots, but rather about sapience. Empires that have outlawed sapient AI can still research and build robots
- Synths are no longer disassembled under outlawed AI, but rather are fitted with positron inhibitors that reduce research/energy production and disable happiness
- Synths are no longer enslaved under servitude AI, but rather are fitted with servitude protocols that reduce research production
- Synths that have been given full citizen rights now use far more consumer goods than their shackled brethren
- Robot Pop build cost changed from (150 EC 50 Minerals) to just 100 Minerals
- Materialists are no longer allowed to ban sapient AI (they can still force it into servitude)
# 机器人 与 AI 概念分开
- Added a Robotic Workers Policy that controls whether or not robot pops are allowed or automatically disassembled. The old AI rights policy now instead determines stance towards sapient AI.
- The AI rights policy is no longer about robots, but rather about sapience. Empires that have outlawed sapient AI can still research and build robots
- Synths are no longer disassembled under outlawed AI, but rather are fitted with positron inhibitors that reduce research/energy production and disable happiness
- Synths are no longer enslaved under servitude AI, but rather are fitted with servitude protocols that reduce research production
- Synths that have been given full citizen rights now use far more consumer goods than their shackled brethren
- Robot Pop build cost changed from (150 EC 50 Minerals) to just 100 Minerals

- Materialists are no longer allowed to ban sapient AI (they can still force it into servitude)