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临近回归季 小德接受记者采访 谈到了第二教练 何时回到顶尖 以及后悔16法网后没休息……
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IP属地:英国来自iPhone客户端1楼2017-10-18 01:43回复
    Novak Djokovic To Novosti: “I Can’t Wait To Play Again, I Miss My Racket”
    • Interviews
    - October 16, 2017
    Novak Djokovic recently had an interview with ‘Novosti’.
    ‘I’ve been spending more time with family and kids, we did all the things that gives us pleasures. When I wake up, I’m not running straight to the training, but first I play with my kids. It’s an invaluable experience, which happens once in a lifetime. You need to use them in the best way possible,’ said Djokovic, in start of his interview to ‘Novosti’.
    Q. Who are the options for another coach?
    – There are several names I’m thinking about. I can’t reveal who it is, because there are many factors that need to be matched. But I can tell you what profile would best suit me. It’s a former player who had an enviable career and who managed to get the most from him at all times. Who was not number 1, but was smart enough, wise and persistent to always make 100 percent. By the way, it’s someone whose life values are in line with mine.
    - 我脑海中有几个候选人,但是我还暂时不能透露具体的名字,因为有许多因素必须与我自身相匹配。我可以告诉你心仪人选的一些基本情况。这位球员的职业生涯让人羡慕嫉妒恨,总是能发挥出他自身的最大潜能。他虽然未曾坐上世界第一的宝座,但他是一个聪明、睿智并且100%专注的球员。值得一提的是,他的人生观也与我较为一致。
    Q. During the 12 months of poorer results, there was a lot of talk about the reasons for your fall … Can you say from this distance that the problems with the elbow were the main reason why you were not at your level?
    – The whole story about my tennis and everything that happened to me is far more complex than a single word, although that was the biggest problem. The elbow was in the epicenter of all the events. I haven’t been able to train the way I wanted. On the court I could not play with full intensity. I had to adjust with my service games, and it really bothered me. As I didn’t wanted to undergo a surgery or take a break, I thought it would all pass. But it didn’t work. Just came to inflammation, and then the problems intensified. Tennis is a sport where one detail, a discomfort during the match, can take you miles away from your goal. It’s like a chess game, a psychological battle, where you need to be 120% focused on each segment. If something bothers you, as it was for me was the pain in the elbow, your focus automatically fall.
    I’ve come to accept that I needed to take a break and to rest, to make certain changes in the team. I can’t wait to play again, I miss my tennis racket. I can’t wait to go back to the top again. But I don’t think I’m going to be able to make up for all the missed games and get back there straightaway. I’m going to take step by step. I believe that I will get there in the mid of next year, but I won’t complain if I get in shape somewhat earlier.
    - 关于我所发生的一切,其复杂程度很难用单一的一个词概括,但手肘伤势确实是所有原因中的核心。我无法按照我所想要的方式进行训练,在场上,我无法完全发力。我必须改变在发球局中的作为,而这带给我不小的麻烦。同时,我又不想做手术,或者进行漫长的休息,我觉得一切随着时间会减弱,但这并不见效:后来手肘起了炎症,问题变得严重了。网球是一项非常注重细节的运动,比赛间出现的一处不适,都会让你的表现与目标有着天壤之别。网球比赛有时就像下棋,对于双方都是一场心理战,你必须对每一个微小的比赛环节都有120%的专注。如果有什么困扰着你,比如比赛时手肘的疼痛就困扰着我,那么你的专注度自然会下滑。
    Q. Can you feel the lack of interest in tennis in Serbia when you don’t play?
    – I regularly keep in touch with all the players, with the alliance. I get all sorts of information, and I try to be up to date on the development of tennis, and to positively influence it, if I can. I talk about what needs to be done to maintain the right level of tennis, to increase the number of children who are engaged in this sport, to raise the bar when it comes to the experience and professionalism of coach, that there be programs that are tailored to children. For example, a plan for coaches for the program “tennis 10s” was made in the territory of Serbia. The desire is to increase the number of children in the clubs, because the system involves a larger number of kids on the ground at the same time, which drastically reduces the payment to parents, which is one of the most important items.
    - 我时常与同伙以及所有球员保持联系。我得到了各种信息,我也尽可能地知晓网球新闻,并且尽我所能对其带来正面影响,如果可能的话。我会谈到如何能够保持高竞技性网球水准,如何让更多孩子参与这项运动,教练的经验和专业度应该设置一定的水准,并且应当为年轻球员量身定制合适的网球训练计划。比如, 塞尔维亚为教练设置了一个叫 “10后网球儿童”的项目,以此鼓励更多的孩子前往俱乐部;因为这个项目能在让许多孩子持拍上场的同时减少父母的开销,而这一点尤为重要。
    Q. Who should bring us the greatest joy from the youth?
    – Olga Danilovic is fantastic, I like her attitude and courage on the court very much. This dose of positive boldness is required to break through. With enormous talent, and exceptional work, I think Olga will soon be our real star. I liked the fact that Krajinovic and Đere played the finals of the challenger, and Philip is in a better shape. Miomir Kecmanovic is also great, who is shaping as a great tennis player and has a huge talent and strength of will. I believe in him.
    奥尔加达尼洛维奇(美网青少年女子双打冠军)很棒,我喜欢她在场上的积极和无畏,而这也是取得突破的必要条件;她的大胆、天赋异禀和非凡的努力很快会我国促成下一位明日之星。克拉吉诺维奇和德耶雷在挑战赛决赛中相遇,而克拉吉诺维奇更胜一筹。Miomir Kecmanovic (法网青少年单打四强)也很棒,他看上去是一位出色的网球运动员,有着过人的天赋和坚韧的意志。我看好他的未来。
    Q. During the farewell of Dusan Ivkovic in Athens, did you think about how your farewell from tennis would look like? Whom would you call from the world against the Serbian team for example?
    – Thank you for asking, but I still do not think about my farewell. It’s a long way to go. However, I have been thinking about some sports spectacle that I would like to organize in Belgrade, and where I would try to gather all my friends from all over the world. I wish it would be on a summer day at “Marakana” (Rajko Mitić Stadium), that a great number of sports stars will come and make something to remember. I still don’t have time to deal with it, but there will be a chance in future, I hope.
    Q:传奇名帅Dusan Ivkovic教练的退役仪式在雅典举行, 你是否想过你的告别仪式将会是怎样的?比如说你想叫哪些人来参加呢?
    - 谢谢你问这个问题,但是我还没有想我退役的事情,这还离我太遥远。不过,我倒是很想在贝尔格莱德举办一个体育盛会,把我世界各地的好朋友都叫来参加。我希望那将会是一个阳光灿烂的夏日,在叫“Marakana”的运动场举办。许多体育明星都将会来参加并使它值得铭记。我现在还没有时间来考虑这些,希望将来会有机会。
    Q. In communication with other players from the Tour during your break, do they provide you with support? Can Murray and you do the same thing as Federer and Nadal?
    – I am regularly hearing from many players. With some friends, some cooperate across the various tennis associations in which we are involved. We talk all the time about all sorts of topics. And for the second part of the question, Federer and Nadal are in many ways unique, among the best players in the history of the sport, people who have influenced me to become what I am. Their examples show that you can even after a break and a season in which the game was not at its best level can return to the top.
    And I would like to remind that the I was the only player from the top thar never took a break, and from this perspective I think I should have done it right after the 2016 Roland Garros.
    - 我经常收到很多球员的建议。有些是来自朋友的,有些是来自其他我们所在的网球协会。我们谈论各种话题。至于第二个问题,费德勒和纳达尔在许多方面都独树一帜,位列于网球历史中那些最杰出的运动员。网球历史上的名宿深深影响着我,也铸就了我。他们的例子也证明了,你在长期休赛归来后以及在一个赛季不在最佳水准之后,却能依然重返巅峰。
    Q. Roger Federer has won 19 Grand Slams. Is there another motive for you to chase his record? What will be the main goal when you return to the court again?
    – There are motives in me, but not to chase anyone, but to prove myself that I can do even more better. My parents often told me that I have to believe in myself and never stop working and fighting. No matter how hard or whatever the circumstances are. You will only fail when you stop trying.
    - 我会有自己的奋斗目标,但并不是追赶任何人,而是证明我可以比现在做的更好。我的父母经常告诉我要相信自己,无论条件多么艰苦,情况多么困难,都不要停止努力。只有当你放弃时,你才真正地输了。

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