原文: While on Morning Drive today, our Guide Dinamosi Malhenze, our Tracker Isaac, and their guests had the amazing experience of watching Dark Mane of the Majingilane coalition attempt to steal an Impala kill that the Mondzo male Leopard had successfully moved up into a tree. If you look closely, you'll se the Impala's legs hanging from the left branch of the tree. Leopards will usually do this whenever they can in order to protect their hunt from Hyena, Wild Dogs, or in this case Lions! Fortunately for Mondzo, Dark Mane was unsuccessful. 今天在晨游的时候,我们的导游Dinamosi Malhenze,我们的追踪员Isaac和他们的客人有着惊人的经历,看到Majingilane联盟的暗鬃企图窃取雄豹Mondzo成功地移入一棵树中的黑斑羚。 如果仔细观察,你会看到黑斑羚的双腿从树枝的左边垂下。 豹子通常会这样做,只要他们可以在鬣狗,野狗,或在这种情况下,狮子的面前保护它们的猎物! 对Mondzo来说幸运的是,暗鬃没有得逞。