最喜欢马丁在决定亲自上前线时和主角的对(biao)话(bai)。 Remember when we first met in Kvatch? I told you that I didn't want any part of the gods' plan. I still don't know if there is a divine plan. But I've come to realize that it doesn't matter. What matters is that we act. That we do what's right, when confronted with evil. That's what you did at Kvatch. It wasn't the gods that saved us, it was you. Were you acting for the gods? I don't know. But now it's my turn to act. 懒得开游戏软绵绵的渣翻一发,并没有还原出马丁的气质: 还记得我们在科瓦奇第一次相遇的时候吗?我告诉你我对神明的旨意毫无兴趣。我依旧无法得知圣灵的意愿是否存在。但我逐渐明白这并不重要,真正重要的是我们的所为。是在直面邪恶时,选择正确的道路。那就是你在科瓦奇做的事情。拯救我们的不是神明,而是你。是神明派你来的吗?我不知道。但现在,到我来行动了。