I have read your posts and understand there is little to no HIV risk from oral sex; however, I am not sure if this includes anilingus.
I was recently receiving a massage from a woman who advertised a non-sexual massage.
Midway in she surprisingly began to lick my anus and surrounding area. This continued for 20 to 30 seconds until I told her to stop.
Do I need HIV testing from this episode? From time to time I chafe from toilet paper and am concerned there could have been some risk so have been imagining only the worst.
Also, what other STD's do I need to test for from this event? Please advise as to type of test and how soon i can test. Thank you so much.
我最近接受了一个女的按摩服务,但她不提供sex服务。 按摩到一半,她出人意料的开始舔我的gm和周边部位,这个行为持续了20到30秒,之后我喊停了她。 针对这次暴露我有检测HIV的必要吗?
I was recently receiving a massage from a woman who advertised a non-sexual massage.
Midway in she surprisingly began to lick my anus and surrounding area. This continued for 20 to 30 seconds until I told her to stop.
Do I need HIV testing from this episode? From time to time I chafe from toilet paper and am concerned there could have been some risk so have been imagining only the worst.
Also, what other STD's do I need to test for from this event? Please advise as to type of test and how soon i can test. Thank you so much.
我最近接受了一个女的按摩服务,但她不提供sex服务。 按摩到一半,她出人意料的开始舔我的gm和周边部位,这个行为持续了20到30秒,之后我喊停了她。 针对这次暴露我有检测HIV的必要吗?