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【钢铁之师 8.31】苏格兰第15步兵师



1楼2017-11-17 15:40回复
    因为系列太多了 电脑端不知道为什么每次都翻不到第二页 所以以后几篇2L的楼里都只有最近的几篇链接 望大家理解

    2楼2017-11-17 15:41
      Let’s focus today onthe 21st Army Group‘s best division in North-Western Europe:the 15th (Scottish) Infantry Division.

      3楼2017-11-17 15:41
        The 15th(Scottish) Infantry Division, disbanded after WW1, was re-activated inMarch 1939 as part of the Territorial Army to expand the size of the BritishArmy in the prospect of a new conflict with Germany. Although mobilized twodays before the outbreak of WW2, the division remained in the UK for the nextfive years, having ample time training but lacking equipment: in the wake of theevacuation of Dunkirk, the division had to give up most of itsheavy weapons to re-equip the Regular Army.
        Relocated South toNorthumberland (“banished to Northumberland” in the exact words ofthe 6th Battalion, Royal Scots Fusiliers‘s regimentaldiary), it was tasked with watching over the coast where the Germans wereexpected to land in the case of an invasion. By 1943, under their new commanderMajor-General Gordon McMillan, the division was finally earmarkedfor participation in the invasion of Europe and moved to Scriven Camp inYorkshire where it was relentlessly trained. A strong emphasis was put onriver crossings and infantry-armor cooperation, a training which will provemost useful since the 15th (Scottish) will be involved in allof the British Army’s major river assault crossings in North-Western Europe,from Normandy’s smaller waterways to the Seine, Rhine & Elbe river.


        4楼2017-11-17 15:42
          In Yorkshire, thedivision took part in several major exercises (“Blackstock” in Fall1943, “Clansman” in January 1944 & “Eagle” one month later)and was visited by General Montgomery himself on February 7th, 1944 and WinstonChurchill on March 31st. By the end of their training, a veteran rememberedthat rations improved significantly which, with the recent visits referredabove, led the men to conclude that D-Day was close and they were “fattenedfor the kill“.

          5楼2017-11-17 15:42
            For their baptism offire, the Scots were given the first row: they would be leading the chargetoward for Hill 112, a small outcrop East of Caen considered by both Allied& German planners as the “key to the Normandy”. On June 26th, after atremendous barrage, the 15th (Scottish) attacked South withthe support of 31st Tank Brigade‘s Churchill tanks. Althoughuntested in combat, the Scots advanced with determination in the face offanatical resistance from the young 12. SS Panzergrenadiersand armored counter-attacks on its flank by 21. Panzer and 12.SS-Panzer. The next day saw more of the same, yet they managed to secure acrossing over the Odon river, allowing the rest of VIII. Corps toroll straight to Hill 112. So thin was the division’s salient that it wasdubbed “the Scottish Corridor“, constantly under attack on both flanksby more Panzer divisions. But the Scots not only stood their ground, theyslowly expanded it!

            Havingdone their part, the Scots were only used in support of OperationJupiter, the first battle Hill 112 one week later. But the “Hill ofCalvary” was a tough nut to crack, and it would take more than one offensive totake it … Early in August, General MacMillan was wounded and replacedby 46th Brigade‘s commander Colin“Tiny” MuirBarber, thus nicknamed for he was 6 ft. 9 in. (about 2m06)!
            完成任务后,该师只在木星行动中——112高地之战一周后的第一战——提供支援。但是骑兵高地并没有那么容易夺取,一次攻势可远远不够。8月初,麦克米兰将军受伤,师长由46旅的指挥官Colin Muir Barber接替。后者的昵称是Tiny(微小的),因为他的个头有2米06高!

            Whenthe Americans finally broke out of Cotentin and bocage country after OperationCobra, causing the disintegration of the German Army, the Britishimmediately initiated their own Operation Bluecoat, striking nearCaumont, at the junction between the US & UK armies. From then on,the 15th (Scottish) was on the move again and wouldn’t stopbefore the end of the war …

            7楼2017-11-17 15:44
              AFTER NORMANDY
              Pursuing the fleeingGerman army across France, Belgium & the Netherlands, the Scots led thecrossing of the Seine (August 28th), took part in the liberation of Belgium, inthe ill-planned Operation Market Garden, then OperationVeritable, Operation Plunder (the assault crossing of theRhine river) and finally Operation Enterprise (the assaultcrossing of the Elbe river).

              Operation Plunder, March 24th, 1944 – Scots are setting foot onthe Western bank of the Rhine
              The endof the war found the 15th (Scottish) Infantry Division on thecoast of the Baltic see. It was disbanded in April 1946.

              8楼2017-11-17 15:44
                The Scots cancount on a numerous, cheap yet reliable infantry from Phase A, advancingwith close-support Churchill V armed with a 95mm howitzer andeven a single AVRE with its huge 290mm Petard gundesigned to blow up concrete bunker. Restricted to a few 2-Pdr Mortars asartillery support, it has to rely for a while on Spitfire & Typhoon inground attack role to support its advance.

                Phase B is to Normandy44 what the ScotGrey‘s attack was to Waterloo: the mad charge with everything they got.With infantry in greater number, now backed by Assault Pioneers andlarge numbers of slow but sturdy Churchill, including up-armoredvariants & the dreadful Crocodile flamethrower tank, theScots are like a (orange?) wave slowly but relentlessly advancing on theenemy. By then, the artillery tab provides more than enough indirect firepowerto support the division’s advance, from the excellent 25-pdr gunto medium mortars and off-map artillery.
                To deal with armoredthreats, the Scots have to rely on the powerful but cumbersome 17-pdrguns, with only Wolverines (armed with the less efficientAmerican 76,2mm) and a single Challenger as mobile anti-tankguns. Another efficient tank killer available to the division being the TyphoonAT with its armor-piercing rockets.

                Phase C brings more orbetter of the same, although the division’s economy starts stalling. The recontab can now field a good number of heavy armored car in the form of DaimlerAC and its Little John-equipped variant, for thelast “recon in force” push…
                C阶段该师没有太多变化,经济趋于停滞。侦察部队能够派出相当数量的装甲侦察车,包括Daimler AC 和Little John变种。

                9楼2017-11-17 15:46

                  10楼2017-11-17 15:47

                    IP属地:江苏11楼2017-11-18 02:09
                      辛苦了不错 希望给套卡组

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