联系人 张老师
French leave is "Leave of absence without permission or without announcing one's departure",including leaving a party without bidding farewell to the host. The phrase was born at a time when the English and French cultures were heavily interlinked.(wikipedia)
在《牛津字典》中的解释,to take French leave is to go away, or do anything, without permission or notice。所以我们把French leave 翻译成不告而别。有趣的是,英法两国的文化还真的有种争锋相对的味道,连语言也不例外。在法语中,同样有个短语filer à l'anglaise(take English leave)表达相同的概念。French leave 特别用于表达“擅离职守”的概念(the act of leisurely absence from a military unit),这同样与17-18世纪的英法战争史有关。
联系人 张老师
French leave is "Leave of absence without permission or without announcing one's departure",including leaving a party without bidding farewell to the host. The phrase was born at a time when the English and French cultures were heavily interlinked.(wikipedia)
在《牛津字典》中的解释,to take French leave is to go away, or do anything, without permission or notice。所以我们把French leave 翻译成不告而别。有趣的是,英法两国的文化还真的有种争锋相对的味道,连语言也不例外。在法语中,同样有个短语filer à l'anglaise(take English leave)表达相同的概念。French leave 特别用于表达“擅离职守”的概念(the act of leisurely absence from a military unit),这同样与17-18世纪的英法战争史有关。