宁夏润德生物科技有限责任公司自成立以来,以质量求生存,以服务求发展,致力于打造“全球最放心的枸杞基地”。“智慧润物, 有德乃大”,润德的枸杞产业发展理念,是站在宁夏枸杞行业历史的肩膀上,但绝不满足于享受历史留给今天宁夏人的荣耀,而是力求以历史的高度为起点,全面创新,开拓进取,兼顾市场经济和社会贡献精神,润物求发展,德行载未来。"路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索"。润德人正以勤劳勇敢,艰苦奋斗的精神,深深扎根于宁夏这片神奇富饶的沃土,立志让“润德枸杞”走向世界,将宁夏枸杞文化传遍全球。
4001125616 0951-6084077
Since the establishment of Ningxia Runde Biological Technology Co., Ltd, the company is strive to build the world’s high-end million mu organic goji berry industrial base.The development idea of Runde goji berry industry is stand on the shoulder of NingXia gouji berry industry’s history, but never satisfied with the history high, just enjoyed the honor history give us. We use this history high to be an origin, insist on our industry idea, consider about social contribution and the spirit of market economy.The way ahead is long and has no ending; yet high and low we’ll search with our will unbending. All of our staff are full of enthusiasm and confidence. We are looking forward to have an intimate cooperate with all sectors of society and different enterprise.