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IP属地:辽宁1楼2018-02-27 17:38回复

    IP属地:辽宁2楼2018-02-27 17:39

      IP属地:辽宁3楼2018-02-27 17:39

        IP属地:辽宁4楼2018-02-27 17:39
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          IP属地:辽宁5楼2018-02-27 17:40
            All of the figure skating on TV lately from the Winter Olympics has me really excited about Newton's Third Law of Motion and the conservation of angular momentum.
            It's not an overly exciting part, so to show off the new, telescoping piston in SimpleRockets 2, I threw together a silly satellite that's orbiting an Earth-like planet. It has four very heavy fuel tanks connected by a series of pistons. I got the satellite spinning with some RCS blasts and then I extended the fuel tanks to slow the rotation down. Retracting the fuel tanks increases the rotation speed, just like those figure skaters do with their meaty appendages.
            这不是一个过于激动人心的部分,所以炫耀新的,可伸缩simplerockets 2活塞,我搞了一次愚蠢的卫星的轨道的地球一样的星球。它有四个非常重的油箱,由一系列活塞连接。我得到了一些RCS爆炸的卫星旋转,然后我延长油箱,以减慢旋转下来。缩回油箱增加旋转速度,就像他们的肉质附属物做那些花样滑冰运动员。
            To be honest, it wasn't as exciting as I hoped it would be, but I had too much time invested in this post to abandon it. Maybe I needed some heavier fuel tanks or maybe some better ice skates.
            The piston can be customized in several ways in the designer. It's range, speed, and scale can all be customized. It can also be set to cycle back and forth, respond to an activation group, and it can be wired up to any available input. It's a lot of fun to experiment with. Here are the current part details:
            Mass: 5kg to 212kg (11lbs to 467lbs)
            质量:5kg 212kg(11lbs到467lbs)
            Price: $5k to $25k
            价格:5000美元至$ 25K
            Retracted Size: 0.25m to 1.25m (0.8ft to 4.1ft)
            Extension: 0.05m to 3.3m (0.2ft to 10.8ft)

            IP属地:辽宁6楼2018-02-27 17:42
              Note: Check the FAQ here before asking questions.
              If it didn't knock your socks off when SpaceX recently landed their twin, orbital boosters simultaneously, then I can only assume that you weren't wearing socks in the first place.
              When we started watching it here at the office, I really wasn't sure what to expect, but my armpits were sweating profusely...which could only mean that they felt disaster was imminent. How could you blame them when Elon Musk himself said: "I'll just be happy if it clears the pad and doesn't blow the pad to smithereens." I was glad to see those gorgeous, marvels of engineering touch back down safely at Kennedy Space Center. I was also glad that I keep a few crates of old spice here at the office, under Nathan's desk.
              当我们开始看它在办公室,我真的不知道期待什么,但我的腋下是大汗淋漓…这只意味着他们感觉到灾难即将来临。你怎么能指责他们时,Elon Musk自己说:“我会高兴的如果它清除垫和不打击垫得粉碎。“我很高兴看到那些华丽,工程触摸安全返回肯尼迪航天中心的奇迹。我也很高兴在办公室里放了几盒旧香料,在弥敦的办公桌下。
              So, what better way to show off the new landing legs in SR2 than to take inspiration from SpaceX and land an orbital booster on the launch pad?
              Like many other parts in SR2, the landing legs can be resized in the designer and their deployed angle and deployment speed can be tweaked as well. You can also tie them to an activation group, so you can deploy and retract them as much as your heart desires.
              Here are the details:
              Mass: 30kg to 275kg (66lbs to 606lbs)
              Price: $15k to $50k
              价格:$ 15K 5万美元
              Deployed Length: 2m to 10m (6.5ft to 32.8ft)
              Deployed Angle: 30° to 60°

              IP属地:辽宁10楼2018-02-27 18:15

                IP属地:辽宁11楼2018-02-27 18:15

                  IP属地:辽宁12楼2018-02-27 18:16
                    Note: Check the FAQ here before asking questions.
                    Parachutes can be a real drag to implement, but we've taken all that we've learned from SimpleRockets 1 and SimplePlanes and we've come up with something that works really well. To be honest, it's really inflated our ego and the only hard part about using them is the ground.
                    降落伞可以实现真正的阻力,但我们已经采取了一切,我们从simplerockets 1和simpleplanes获悉我们想出的作品真的很好。说实话,这确实夸大了我们的自我,使用它们的唯一困难部分是地面。
                    Parachutes will allow you to customize their size and color in the designer, as well as assign them to an activation group. You will also be able to re-pack them and re-deploy them during flight, which is something you couldn't do in SimpleRockets 1 (or SimplePlanes).
                    降落伞将允许您自定义其大小和颜色的设计师,以及分配给激活组。你也可以重新打包和重新部署它们在飞行过程中,这是一种你无法做simplerockets 1(或simpleplanes)。
                    Mass: 30kg (66 lbs)
                    Price: $25,000
                    Radius (base): 0.4m (1.3 ft)
                    Radius (chute): Resizable from 2.5m to 15m (8.2ft to 50ft)
                    It really makes it easy to land on atmospherically endowed planets. Mars is still tricky though since its atmosphere has only 1% the density of ours. I'm curious what will happen if you throw a couple of parachutes at it, each with a 50-foot radius. That's over 15,000 square feet of chute. I can't say for sure what would happen. I haven't had the chance to try it yet, but it sounds fun.

                    IP属地:辽宁13楼2018-02-27 18:17

                      Note: Check the FAQ here before asking questions.
                      As we are working on SR2, we are leveraging as much as we can from SimplePlanes. This unassuming part has been an absolute game-changer in SimplePlanes.
                      It's a simple motor that can drive rotation between two connected parts. Players have used it in SimplePlanes to make things like swept wings, retractable landing gear, rotating turrets, and even walking robots. Here's a rocket where I connected the side boosters to rotators that respond to roll:
                      Like most other parts, the rotator has several properties that can be customized in the game. You'll have the ability to change its speed, range of motion, activation group, etc. You can also connect it to any available input axis, which allows making very complicated designs.

                      IP属地:辽宁14楼2018-02-27 18:18
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                        IP属地:辽宁16楼2018-02-27 18:21

                          IP属地:辽宁17楼2018-02-27 18:22
                            Nathan and Kevin recently discovered a new planet. We're not sure what we're going to name it. Does anyone have any ideas? It's just beyond the rocky planets and it appears to be an enormous gas giant. It might even have a few moons, but it's hard to tell.
                            Here's what we have been able to ascertain so far from our instruments here on Smearth:
                            The surface gravity is estimated to be around 25 m/s2.
                            Radius is approximately 6,900km.
                            It's primarily composed of hydrogen and helium, though the core may be made of heavier elements.
                            Like other gas giants, it probably lacks a well defined solid surface from which to launch a rocket...Well, that's unfortunate, isn't it?
                            We're all really excited about this recent discovery. Maybe someday we will even be able to travel there and visit.

                            IP属地:辽宁22楼2018-02-28 17:30
                              Note: Check the FAQ here before asking questions.
                              They say, one way or another, all energy comes from the sun*. Plants figured that out billions of years ago. Animals figured out they could just eat the plants instead of waiting to evolve their own form of photosynthesis. Carnivores figured out they could eat the animals that eat the plants, but ultimately they still get their energy from the sun.
                              I thought it would be cool if we could design solar panels that could eat carnivores, adding another level indirection to the conversion of sunlight to energy, but the other guys here at Jundroo are a bunch of nay-sayers, so we are stuck with your traditional, sunlight-scooping solar panels.
                              William implemented this part and it was no small feat. They are extremely customizable and can support any number of panels. However, we do limit that to 50 panels in the designer (5 rows of 10 panels each). If you can XML mod then you can make it any number you wish and easily bring the most powerful PC in the world to its knees. You can also adjust the base scale of the solar panel array from 50% to 250%, but it does affect price, and those panels get expensive quickly! Just like other parts, the panels can be painted with the paint tool in the designer.
                              威廉执行了这一部分,这不是一个小壮举。它们是非常可定制的,可以支持任意数量的面板。然而,我们确实限制了设计者的50个面板(每个5行10个面板)。如果你能使用XML mod,那么你就可以把它变成你想要的任何数字,轻松地把世界上最强大的PC带到它的膝盖上。您也可以调整太阳能电池板阵列的基本尺寸从50%到250%,但它确实会影响价格,而且这些面板很快就会变得昂贵!就像其他部件一样,面板可以用油漆工具画在设计器中。
                              Here it is retracted and closed up, waiting for its time to shine....or waiting to absorb the shine. Whatever.
                              Here at the part details
                              Mass: 55.6kg to 278.5kg (122lbs to 614lbs)
                              Price: $11k to $60k
                              价格:$ 11k到六万美元
                              Panel: 1x1 up to 5x10
                              Efficiency: 46%
                              * I know there are exceptions to that, but the majority of the energy we find here on Earth comes from the sun. Okay, Science Police! Happy now? Sheesh!

                              IP属地:辽宁27楼2018-03-06 12:46