Kaela- You wouldnt vote for me even if I played the better game? Derek- Nope. Because you made a promise, and you cut me. Kaela- So you would be a bitter juror? Derek- Yep. Kaela- I knew you would be #BBCAN6 这是什么情况???
Kaela jokingly asking Derek if he'd vote against her in the end if she cut him. Derek said he'd would bc she made him a promise. K asked him if he'd be a bitter juror even if she played the better game. D told her yes! Kaela said she'd also vote against him if he cut her! #BBCAN6
Kaela- I always said I wanted to come in and be the best player Big Brother Canada has ever had. Obviously that didnt happen. Derek- We can be the best duo ever. Come off the block again #BBCAN6