一星期前我嫌谷歌那个手机验证太麻烦就给解除了,反正我号也没啥东西,结果第二天就给我封了交易。 我交了ticket然后四五天吧,给我解了。 我还上来买了个礼包弄了个称号。![](http://tb2.bdstatic.com/tb/editor/images/face/i_f25.png?t=20140803)
。 我这么休闲的玩家无脑就直接永久啊。
DFO Global Support (Neople)Mar 24, 04:22 JSTGreetings,
Thank you for your response.
We would like to inform you that we are unable to reverse the sanction since your account has violated the Terms and Service of the game through the use of 3rd party program
The only advice we can give you is to create a new account and continue your adventures in the world of Arad. We have a lot of events planned that could help you catch up with your friends and other players.
Please take note that any further appeal regarding this matter will receive a same response.
Best regards,
Dungeon Fighter Online Global Support Team
一星期前我嫌谷歌那个手机验证太麻烦就给解除了,反正我号也没啥东西,结果第二天就给我封了交易。 我交了ticket然后四五天吧,给我解了。 我还上来买了个礼包弄了个称号。
DFO Global Support (Neople)Mar 24, 04:22 JSTGreetings,
Thank you for your response.
We would like to inform you that we are unable to reverse the sanction since your account has violated the Terms and Service of the game through the use of 3rd party program
The only advice we can give you is to create a new account and continue your adventures in the world of Arad. We have a lot of events planned that could help you catch up with your friends and other players.
Please take note that any further appeal regarding this matter will receive a same response.
Best regards,
Dungeon Fighter Online Global Support Team