Contrary to prior rumors and reports, Nvidia may give us a taste of its next line of gaming graphics cards at its GPU Technology Conference (GTC). TweakTown reports, citing an anonymous source, that the company will officially name its next set of graphics cards the ‘GTX 11 Series.’ 与之前的传闻和报道相反,Nvidia可能会在GPU技术大会(GTC)上首次展出下一代游戏显卡。 TweakTown引用匿名消息来源,称该公司将正式命名下一代图形卡为'GTX 11系列'。
Widely expected to be based on the in-progress Nvidia Turing hardware architecture, this naming convention would be a step to the left of what the technology world has anticipated the company to go with. Reports and rumors leading up to this had pegged the next generation of Nvidia graphics cards to be known as the GTX 20 series. 人们普遍期待的待生产的Nvdia图灵架构的命名规范可能将与Nvdia公司的实际命名规范相背。 据之前的报导和传闻称,下一代Nvidia显卡被称为GTX 20系列。
Leaving room for further specialization? Furthermore, TweakTown’s source reportedly said of the new product line that "it [the new cards] won't necessarily end in '70' and '80' like we're used to.” This could see Nvidia applying different numerals to its product names from what it currently does, which starts at 50 (e.g. Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050) up through 80. TweakTown speculates that Nvidia could denote its products in increments of five (i.e. GTX 1185). However, and this is speculation of our own, it’s possible that Nvidia simply wishes not to constrict itself within its own naming convention, leaving room for products closer in numeral so as to be geared toward specific, niche use cases – or to broaden the GTX name’s scope. For instance, the successor to the Nvidia MX150 could be the Nvidia GeForce GTX 1140 and so forth, allowing Nvidia to introduce the GTX name to even lower-spec products. At any rate, this report should only fuel the hype surrounding the next line of Nvidia graphics cards and GTC 2018, which kicks off on March 27. 为将来的命名留出空间? 而且,TweakTown的消息来源称新产品线的新卡将不一定像我们习惯的那样以'70'和'80'结尾。” 根据消息推测,Nvdia将使用不同的数字命名其新产品。当前,Nvdia公司的命名从50开始(例如GTX1050),直至80结束。TweakTown推测Nvdia可能会以5为增量(即GTX 1185)表示其产品。 但是,这只是我们的推测。Nvdia很可能仅仅希望自己不会受到其命名规范的约束,为 产品留出更接近数字的空间,以便面向特定的小众用户 - 或者拓宽GTX名字的范围。 例如,Nvidia MX150的后继产品可能是Nvidia GeForce GTX 1140等等,从而使Nvidia可以将GTX名称引入更低规格的产品。 无论如何,这份报告只会加剧围绕下一代Nvidia显卡和GTC 2018的宣传,该产品将于3月27日发布。