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Version: 3.50 (stable) changelog
** Saved characters from version 3.40->are compatible with this version. **
** If you are new to version 3.50 scrolldown and read changelogs since the first beta version. **
- added: treat bleeding wounds of your petsand companions
It is now possible to try to stop bleedingof the wounds of your pets and companions. The attempt is started by usingphysician skill, or opening [F7] wounds screen, when facing a bleeding pet orcompanion. If bleeding wounds are found you'll be asked whether you wish to tryto treat them.
The actual wound to treat is then autoselected based on its severity.
The actual game mechanics of applyingphysician skills to your pets and companions are the same as treating your ownwounds. Herbs can be used in the process, the success or failure messages arethe familiar ones, and so on.
- added: crash security to overcomecreature and item losses when travelling with companions and watercrafts
There's now extra data save added upon eachmap load to provide crash security and to minimize certain creature and itemloss potential. Previously it was quite often the case that the pets andcompanions you were travelling with would disappear upon a crash. The same sortof crash related disappearence might also happen to the items you weretransporting with a watercraft - including the watercraft. This sort of lossesshould be history now.
Crashes may naturally lose some progress inthe game world, but all the creatures and items should stay intact and beavailable upon returning to post-crash UnReal World.
Finally, let us remind that force quittingseems to be the most usual type of unexpected UnReal World termination and thisaddition should not in the least to be taken as an encouragement for saferforce quitting.
- balanced & fixed: weight of someclothes
Some were found too heavy, and a few werefound too light.
The corrections go as follows (with oldweight in parenthesis):
* Woollen tunic - now weighs 4.6 lbs (was5)
* Nettle cloak - now weighs 2.6 lbs (was 6)
* Woollen cloak - now weighs 5.3 lbs (was6.5)
* Fur cloak - now weighs 11.5 lbs (was 14)
* Woollen overcoat - now weighs 6.3 lbs(was 5.5)
* Fur overcoat - now weighs 13.5 lbs (was15)
* Leather leggings - now weighs 6.3 lbs(was 2.9)
* Fur leggings - now weighs 7.4 lbs (was3.5)
- fixed [rare condition]: all too frequentmap maintenance with some old characters
- fixed [rare condition]: sages offeringthe old style teaching of new ritual for some migrated characters
- fixed: triggered traps sometimesappearing as readied and erect
- fixed [rare condition]: too fast meltingof ice in the spring
- fixed: animals tied in place with a roperemaining tied even if the rope was destroyed (eg. by a fire)
- fixed [rare condition]: spiritworldrelated entries cluttering the data stack and causing misleading hoardingwarnings
- fixed: animal pens in the villagesappearing too close to the western border
The problem was that your dog might end uplocated in the village animal pen when entering the village from the west.
- fixed: BUTCHER_CONFIRMATION setup optionnot checking whether the carcass actually could be skinned
Now the confirmation, if enabled, is askedwhen applicable only if the carcass actually can be skinned.
- fixed: wounded adventurer quest sometimesgenerating too lightly wounded adventurers
This made the intended quest giveradventurers not speak about their hardships at all even though the villagerswould hint about it.
- fixed: milk from rams and bulls

IP属地:北京1楼2018-03-27 20:50回复

    IP属地:山东2楼2018-03-27 21:02
      - added: meeting the spirit of the forest
      Naturally this otherworldy creature hasexisted in the game world for a long time, but now it is possible for charactersto actually see and meet him - although it is still a rare occasion. The spiritof the forest is famous of being relatively talkative. As a ruler of the forestand its animals he likes to make remarks about your relationship with theforest. In case of being very pleased the spirit of the forest may offerhunting advice, or even reveal where certain animals roam.
      - added: a quest related to meeting thespirit of the forest
      - overhauled: ritual screen [F4] ->"Spells and magic means" screen
      It's now known as "Spells and magicmeans" screen and all the new spells are listed there as well. Newspells" refers to spells featured in version 3.40, which are learnedwithin quests and performed by following the instructions given in spell descriptionby using the common game mechanics and actions.
      Previously you could view new spelldescriptions only from the quest journal, but now it's all available within thespells screen. Whenever a new spell is learned it will also appear in this newlist of spells.
      Spells screen also lists some relevant"old spells" which we've had in use for ages and which are performedautomatically upon selection. However, most of the "old spells" havebeen removed completely to bring existence of magic means to our desired newlevel.
      Bringing the selector on any spell in thelist displays its information dialog. If necessary, a selection is then made bymouse click or enter. In addition, there are also hotkeys for quick spellselection.
      In most cases the spell selection merely showsthe spell information dialog as the new spells are performed manually byfollowing the descriped game mechanics and actions. The old spells, eg.blood-stanching incantation or general sacrifice, automatically put to actionupon selection. This kind of spells are also colored differently in the list.
      - changed: re-organization and removalswithin the old spell system and spirit world features
      * RITUAL skill removed
      It was truly redundant skill, serving onlyas an alternative way to bring up rituals screen.
      * feature of periodically learning ritualsis removed, but the related messages kept and improved
      Automatically becoming aware of new spellsover time is history and now new spells can be learned only from NPCs withinquests. The good old occasional messages regarding how you feel about yourrelationship with the spirits are still featured. (Eg. "You feelpleasant.")
      Moreover, there's now a lot wider range ofthese spiritworld relationship related messages and they may vary depending onif the pleased or angered spirits are forest or water folk.
      * most of the old rituals are removed
      We've saved only a few relevant ritualsfrom the old days, and we are happy with that. Some of the old rituals wereseriously outdated and unbalanced in many ways. In case of migrated characterssome old rituals are replaced with the new (3.40 ->) spells.
      Here's a list of removed old rituals withthe replacements spells where applicable:
      Completely removed old rituals:
      - permission to fell a tree
      - blood-stanching prayer
      - the oath of iron
      - banishing the evil water guardian
      - greet the supernatural guardian
      - the origin of fire
      Removed old rituals with migrationreplacement spells:
      - permission to sleep -> replacementspell: "greeting the earth upon going to sleep"
      - hunter's request to catch a fox ->replacement spell: "making foxes to come at the bait"
      - fisher's request for a catch ->replacement spell: "gaining fisherman's luck"
      - fisher's sacrifice for a catch ->replacement spell: "rod fisherman's sacrifice"
      - favourableness of the trap ->replacement spell: "fox trap favorableness"
      * these are the old rituals that were keptas is, or improved as descriped below:
      - blood-stanching incantation
      Works the same as previously.
      - general sacrifice
      The act of sacrificing is now always knownby every character from the start, and has a wider usage than before. It stillworks as an act of its own, but now also gets associated with other spells as amultipurpose way to please certain spirits for a certain reason. If there's aspell that requires sacrificing which is not described by other means then thegeneral sacrifice does the trick.
      For example, if there was a spell describedas:
      "Reindeer hunting luck is achieved bysacrificing berries on reindeer tracks in the morning." Then, to performthe spell you would probably need to find reindeer tracks, be standing on themin the morning and then use "general sacrifice" spell choosingberries as an item to sacrifice.
      - updated: SPELLS encyclopedia entry [F1]
      - added: VALUABLES encyclopedia entry [F1]
      - added: SACRIFICES encyclopedia entry [F1]
      - added: silver valuables as a sacrifice
      Previously sacrifices were limited to fooditems, but now sacrificing silver items is also possible and necessary in rarecases. You will notice the general sacrifice item selection now allowing topick an item from both food and valuables categories.
      However, silver sacrifices are alwaysrelated to certain new spells and are not completed unless the conditions areright. Upon using silver items as a sacrifice some shards of the item are cutand carved away, and eventually the item gets used completely. This makessilver items both higly appreciated and costly offerings.
      - added: more spells
      About a dozen of new spells have beenadded. Like explained above the spells can be learned from NPCs within quests,but there are also some new spells which every character knows from the start.
      Here's vague summary about the newly addedspells:
      * bear skull rite
      This spell is known by all the charactersfrom the very beginning. It's crucial common knowledge about what to do withthe skull of a downed bear. Killing a bear should now always call for executingthis spell at least.
      * bear teeth related spells
      Bear teeth are powerful charms especiallyfor hunters, and now there are spells associated with them.
      * bird and hare trapping
      There are new spells to better succeed withbird and hare trapping.
      * ant nest related spells
      Ant nests aren't merely a terrain featurebut also a place for executing certain spells, once you learn them.
      * spirit of the forest related spells
      There are new spells for both encouteringand gifting the spirit of the forest.
      * bear hunting related spells
      There are new spells to better succeed withbear hunting.
      - added: new spells for new characters
      Upon character creation some of the newspells are now randomly assigned for a new character. Depending on thecharacter's culture the given spells are emphasized on either hunting orfishing, or both. New characters usually start with four spells, and the spellsscreen is shown during character creation just like before.
      Of the old rituals general sacrifice is nowknown by every character from the start.
      - added: valuables to be found in thevillages
      Valuables such brooches, pendants,bracelets and so on can be now rarely found in the villages. Type of thesestocked valuables depends on the culture. Even though it is not in the leastcommon for every village to stock valuables the possibility for having acquiredsome them exists for every culture.
      - changed: game-course completion reward"Learn three new rituals" changed to "Learn two new spells"

      IP属地:北京3楼2018-03-27 21:59
        Version: 3.50 beta changelog
        - added: wounded or starving dogs mayrefuse to attack on command
        If your dog is seriously wounded orstarving it may refuse to attack on command. Even the suffering dogs stilldefend their masters and themselves from charging predators and enemies, butare just reluctant to act as war dogs who always run after a given targetcompletely despite of their own condition. This addition may encourage you tokeep your dogs more safe and better fed from now on.
        - added: redrawn 8 directional tiles forwatercrafts
        Both punt and raft now appear bigger andprettier in completely redrawn fashion. The watercraft tile direction doeschange based on the last actually rowed direction. Credits for these tiles goesto Paulo Spinola.
        小船(村里买的那种比较轻的船)和木筏现在看起来更大更漂亮,船只图片方向会根据最后的实际划桨方向而改变。这些图片归功于Paulo Spinola
        - added: specific animal purchases
        Upon purchasing animals you may now get tochoose small or big animals from the list. NPCs still decide which animals theywish to sell so the size you would prefer may not always be on the list, butthe animal description now always matches what you'll get. For example, if yougo for purchasing a sheep with no size mentioned you are guaranteed to get thataverage size sheep - not a big or small one.
        - added: young animals
        Cubs and calves have been added forrelevant wild animal species eg. elks, bears, reindeer and hares.
        In case of large species ie. elks andbears, the young ones usually remain with their mothers in the wild for a yearor two before becoming independent. So now you may occasionally encounter anelk mother wandering together with her calf, or a bear mother followed by hercub. Mother animals may act more unexpectedly or aggressively than usual whenthey're still taking care of their young ones -- and that's especially true incase of bears.
        - added: different gender dogs
        In addition to plain dogs, which are male,there are now also female dogs.
        MIGRATION NOTICE: for dogs generated in theprevious version their gender is randomized upon first load.
        - added: different gender bears
        Male and female bears are now distinguished,females being descriped as "female bear". Male bears are larger andstronger than the females, and may also appear slightly more aggressive ifnecessary.
        - changed: some animal descriptions
        There are some animal terminology anddescription changes as follows:
        * male elk description changed from"stag" to "bull elk"
        公麋鹿的描述由"stag" 变成 "bull elk"
        * bears are now descriped as plain"bear" if they're male, or "female bear" if they're female
        如果是公的熊现在被描述为普通的“bear”,母的熊现在叫做“female bear”。
        * domestic pigs now have gender-baseddescription
        Previously they were all called pigs, butare now descriped either a "sow" (female) or a "boar"(male)
        * reindeers now have gender-baseddescription
        Previously they were all called reindeers,but are now descriped either "reindeer doe" (female) or"reindeer stag" (male). This goes for both dometic and wildreindeers.
        以前它们都被称为驯鹿,但现在被描述为“reindeer doe”(雌性)或“reindeer stag”(男性)。这既适用于驯化的驯鹿,也适用于野生驯鹿。
        MIGRATION NOTICE: animals generated in theprevious version may still appear with their old names.
        - changed: resources of animal origin namedin gender-neutral fashion
        For example, you'll now get elk cuts evenif the animal gender based description would have been "bull elk".Or, you'll now get pig cuts regardless of the pig having been descriped as sowor boar. (However, a few exceptions to this rule may still occur here andthere.)
        - added: ant nests
        Ant nests can be now found in the forest.They are needed in performing certain spells but currently have no other use orfunction.

        IP属地:北京4楼2018-03-27 22:01
          - added: antlers & bones
          Antlers and bones can be now harvested fromcarcasses.
          * antlers
          Male elk and both sexes of reindeers haveantlers. For now, antlers simply appear on the ground when the carcass has beencompletely butchered for meat.
          * bones
          Bones can be harvested from almost anycarcass except for the birds and very small creatures. Harvested bones appearon the ground when the carcass has been completely butchered for meat.Currently the bones you get are imagined to be the long bones (eg. leg bones)containing the marrow. Each carcass yields four of such bones. The bone sizenaturally varies depending on the carcass.
          Antlers and bones appear in your inventoryas tools but have only little usage on their own. Dogs do like bones and asthey are marrow-containing ones it's also nutritiously wortwhile to feed themto your dogs.
          Otherwise antlers and bones serve the bestas trophies and new raw materials to be utilized via modding if you like.
          - added: skulls & teeth
          Skulls can be now harvested from a fewspecies of dead animals whose skulls, or teeth, have meaningful ritual ormagical usage. Currently these animals are bears and seals. Animal skullappears on the ground when the carcass has been completely butchered for meat.It is also possible to remove and pick teeth from a skull by [a]pplying it.

          IP属地:北京5楼2018-03-27 22:02
            - added: skinned/cut/burnt carcass coloring
            Skinned carcasses now appear in fleshy redcolor.
            Cut or eaten carcasses appear dark reddish,and burnt carcasses blackish depending on the cut/burn degree.
            - added: BUTCHER_CONFIRMATION configurationoption (defaults to NO)
            If the option is enabled a confirmationprompt appears if you try to butcher a carcass before skinning it.
            This is to avoid accidentally cutting upthe whole carcass and losing the skin.
            To enable the option add the following lineto urw_ini.txt setup file in your installation folder:
            要启用该选项,可以向安装文件夹中的urw_ini. txt文件添加:
            - added: SPEND_DELAY_ADD configurationoption
            This option can be used to slow down thetime consuming actions if you find the game turns running too fast for yourtaste during the time spending dialog. The given value is in milliseconds,adding that much more delay for each game turn. Good value to try slowingthings down a bit would be 10 and nobody really wants to go higher than 100.
            To use eg. 10 millisecond turn delay addthe following line to urw_ini.txt setup file in your installation folder:

            IP属地:北京6楼2018-03-27 22:02
              - added: EAT_MUSHROOM_CONFIRMATIONconfiguration option (defaults to YES)
              Yes/No confirmation is now asked if you tryto eat a mushroom that is not completely known to you, or a known poisonousmushroom. Notice that this applies only to raw mushrooms. When it comes tocooking we assume characters being on track about what they want to do. Theoption is on by default, as it's most convenient for newcomers.
              To disable the option (as it used to be)add the following line to urw_ini.txt setup file in your installation
              - added: confirmation dialog for emptyingcontainers (with other than liquid contents)
              As the contents are discarded for good uponemptying containers the confirmation is justified, especially for newcomers. Ifthe container has liquid content the confirmation is not asked as losing theliquid upon emptying should be quite obvious.
              - adjusted: skiing fatigue rate decreased,walking in deep snow more penalized
              Skiing fatigue accumulation rate isdecreased which makes skiing more profitable than previously. In addition,walking in deep snow is now slightly more fatiguing than previously. As aresult difference between walking in deep snow versus skiing should be moresignficant now.
              - adjusted: fishing equipment (eg. fishingrod) availability increased among certain cultures
              Somewhat increased among kaumolaiset andkiesseläiset, and slightly increased among koivulaiset and islanders.
              加强了kaumolaiset 和kiesseläiset文化,略微增强koivulaiset和islanders。(意思大概应该是用以上四种文化背景开局的角色更容易捉鱼了)
              - added: fire burns away the ground cover
              Lichen, moss etc. ground cover now getsdestroyed from under a burning fire. Only very small fires may leave the groundcover intact.
              - added: winter skin/fur descriptor
              As we know winter furs are more valuable,and it's been like that for a long time. Now there's finally also an indicationof wintertime furs and skins within the item description.
              For example:
              "Fine winter fox fur" or"Poor winter bear-skin"

              IP属地:北京7楼2018-03-27 22:03

                IP属地:北京9楼2018-03-27 22:04