the only sad thing about Liquid losing is that the haters are back out of their caves wanna shit on Liquid when they are still not out of the tournament. Maybe just give credit to LGDs performance instead of hating like there is no tomorrow? 液体一输,液体黑就倾巢而出了,不停在喷,即使液体还没有被淘汰,去了败者组,夸一夸老干爹少喷点液体不好吗?
you should really get out of reddit when VP, Secret, Liquid or EG are losing and these teams are not even tweeting dumb shit like peter (except the Sumail punk-tweet what received legendary meme-status later on) reddit特色一向如此,vp,秘密,液体,甚至是eg,哪次一输,不是被喷成狗,这些队伍从来都没有像ppd那样在twitter上**吹过。
liquid plays cancer drafts almost exclusively and it's always nice to see them lose. Nothing wrong with disliking that. Props to LGD for figuring them out though. 液体的BP真是像一坨💩,不输就怪了,TB小小拿着稳,掌声送给干爹人。