更加正式的官方公告出了,重点如下: “As a special treat for fans of the show, the Critical Role cast is returning to the characters they popularized in their first Dungeons & Dragons campaign, Vox Machina, allowing Deadfire players to choose Critical Role’s character voices for their created party members in the game. Special Vox Machina player portraits will also be available as a free DLC when Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire launches on May 8th.” 这次不是单纯的请了这批演员来配音,而是和Critical Role 这个节目的正式合作。 游戏里将会加入8个额外的头像和预设配音(可以用于创建角色,包括你的主角和酒店里自创的冒险者),分别对应Critical Role Campaign 1 里团队的7个成员以及1个NPC。 此外根据推特上黑曜石官方发布的信息来看,7个队友中间有6个(除了鸟姐依然是一代的配音)都是由Critical Role 的成员配音,4个sidekick 里有2个是由他们配音,Ethoas 也是由Critical Role 的成员配音,但是具体谁配谁官方还在让你猜。