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爱情 英语告白情话


美国九十年代有一部风靡一时的情景喜剧--《宋飞正传》(Seinfield),主人公George Costanza有一句名言:
You're a back-up! You're a second line, a just-in-case, a B-plan, a contingency.好家伙,一句台词喷出五种“备胎”的英文说法:
1. a back-up:原义指“备份”,引申为感情上的“备胎”。
2. a second line:字面含义是“第二排”,即“二线的”,与“备胎”含义相符。
3. a just-in-case:just in case表示“以防万一”,a just-in-case把它活用成一个名词,表示“一个以防万一的人”,就是“备胎”;
4. a B-plan:即“B计划”。A计划是优先的,不行了再用B计划,也挺符合“备胎”的内涵。
5. a contingency:原义指“可能发生也可能不发生的事情”,英文中有 a contingency plan(备用方案)、a contingency fund(备用金)的说法。
我是在最近英国《每日邮报》(Daily Mail)的一篇文章上看到这个词的,觉得很地道,就摘录下来了。
Before couples define their relationship, either party is at risk of being 'benched'. This happens when one person is unsure of their future with their current partner and so puts them on the bench.
bench 的原义是“板凳”,经常被用在球赛中表示替补席,“替补队员”就是坐在替补席的板凳(bench)上的,后来引申成“备胎”的含义。 从上文中我们可以知道:bench可以做名词,还可以活用成动词:bench somebody,还可以说put somebody on the bench. --“让某人坐板凳”,即“将某人视为备胎”。

I love her so much, but she always puts me on the bench.

IP属地:广东1楼2018-04-14 09:37回复
     8. “I look at you and see the rest of my life in front of my eyes.” – Unknow
      9. “The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller
      10. “I would rather spend one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone.” – Lord of The Ring
      11. “If I know what love is, it is because of you.” – Herman Hess
      12. “At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.” – Plato
      13. “Better to have lost and loved than never to have loved at all.” – Ernest Hemingway
      14. “Love is like war: easy to begin but very hard to stop.” – H. L. Mencken
      15. “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” – Lao-Tzu

    IP属地:广东2楼2018-04-14 09:39
      One thing you simply cannot ignore about your relationship is that there is another person in your life. Your partner is someone you have to care for, think about regularly, support and comfort.
        If you are not fulfilling these duties, your partner will feel neglected and hurt. Relationships can feel strained when you are neither confident in yourself nor feel personal self-worth.
        This is when you might feel overly dependent on a relationship, have low self-esteem and experience anxiety.

      IP属地:广东3楼2018-04-14 09:40
        So, what can you do when you feel yourself slipping into this pattern of emotional outbursts, self-doubt and dependency? Take time to self-reflect on your own life goals and ambitions.
          If tomorrow your partner was out of the equation, would you still feel content in the other areas of your life? If your goal is to look and feel healthier, set aside the time to exercise, meditate and eat well.
        If your goal is to switch jobs, start meeting with recruiters and networking. Making strides in your own life will allow you to be more present for someone else.
          Feeling emotionally dependent on your partner is comparable to that dreadful feeling of heartbreak when a relationship collapses.

        IP属地:广东4楼2018-04-14 10:27
          That pressure you experience on your chest feels permanent, you feel confused and overwhelmed. You constantly feel hopeless and alone, even when your partner is in the room.
            It is as if nothing anyone says or does is enough. This is because nothing anyone does can give you enough unless you feel love for yourself.
            Your relationship will improve when you emit confidence and positive energy. When you feel valuable, it draws people in closer. When you feel down, depressed and low about yourself, it automatically drives people away.
          You can even do an experiment in your own relationship. Next time you feel elated or proud of yourself, observe how your partner acts toward you. I guarantee you will notice a difference.

          IP属地:广东5楼2018-04-14 10:27
            It is important to note that it is okay and healthy to somewhat rely on your partner, as you are a team and should work through issues together.
              When you are upset, angry or feel self-conscious, it is part of your partner’s job deion to help support you as best as he or she can.
              Not only is it the obligation of your partner, but it should also be a role he or she is more than happy to play. If you can’t rely on your partner to a certain degree, how can it be considered a loving relationship? You are basically friends with benefits.
              When you are in a relationship, it is okay to be vulnerable because you know your partner will be there for you and will not turn away when you are at your lowest.

            IP属地:广东6楼2018-04-14 10:28
               So, how can we better understand this relationship? Think of it like this: First, you are happy on your own. You feel comfortable in your own skin and confident about your ambitions and goals.
                Now, your partner enters into the picture. There is certainly an adjustment period, where you learn how to expose your inner thoughts and depend on someone other than yourself.
                After a while, you should feel even more comfortable in our own skin and more ambitious and goal oriented. It should be the cherry on top of your already-delicious sundae.
                If you start from there, you will have a healthy foundation on which to build a mutually-supportive relationship.
                Ideally, your partner, whom you love and care about, will ride alongside you on your path to success. In turn, you will support your partner to fulfill his or her own life ambitions.

              IP属地:广东7楼2018-04-14 10:28