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Nicole 发表于2009年04月17日 22:07 阅读(4) 评论(1)
分类: Mの二三事 权限: 公开
Model 职业咯~
Adorable 超可爱的~~
Talented 有天赋的孩子~~
Hot 辣!~
Idol 超级偶像~~
Active 其实平常很静的~
Sexy 这个大家都知道~~
Lovely 再次很可爱~~
Attractive 尤其有吸引力~
Unique 世上独一无二的存在
Respectable 令人尊敬啊~~
Intelligent 勤奋的乖宝宝~
Danish 丹麦人!
Special 特别的仙人~
Elegant 永远都那么优雅~
Needed 小M,我需要你!!!
the Model who is Adorable and Talented, is now one of the Hottest Idols among the youth. he is Active during show seasons, which makes him really Sexy and Lovely. he is an Attractive person, being Unique and Respectably Intelligent. this Danish boy is so Special and Elegant that you can never forget him once you have ever known him.
if, in any case, you are called Mathias Lauridsen and you have all these characters above, then you are Needed here!!!
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Nicole 发表于2009年04月17日 22:07 阅读(4) 评论(1)
分类: Mの二三事 权限: 公开
Model 职业咯~
Adorable 超可爱的~~
Talented 有天赋的孩子~~
Hot 辣!~
Idol 超级偶像~~
Active 其实平常很静的~
Sexy 这个大家都知道~~
Lovely 再次很可爱~~
Attractive 尤其有吸引力~
Unique 世上独一无二的存在
Respectable 令人尊敬啊~~
Intelligent 勤奋的乖宝宝~
Danish 丹麦人!
Special 特别的仙人~
Elegant 永远都那么优雅~
Needed 小M,我需要你!!!
the Model who is Adorable and Talented, is now one of the Hottest Idols among the youth. he is Active during show seasons, which makes him really Sexy and Lovely. he is an Attractive person, being Unique and Respectably Intelligent. this Danish boy is so Special and Elegant that you can never forget him once you have ever known him.
if, in any case, you are called Mathias Lauridsen and you have all these characters above, then you are Needed here!!!