关于 dragon vault,DML wiki 上已经有相关信息介绍了,现在摘录过来供大家参考: The Dragon Vault is a building that can be used to store Dragons in order to free up Habitat space. Dragons stored in the vault become inactive and will not generate Gold nor be able to participate in any other part of the game. The first slot of the Dragon Vault is free while subsequent slots have to be bought in exchange for Gold. 1. Free 2. 5,000 3. 10,000 4. 50,000 5. 100,000 6. 500,000 7. 1,000,000 8. 5,000,000 9. 10,000,000 10. 50,000,000 After 50 million Gold, each subsequent slot costs 100 million Gold. 也就是说开新 slot 的价格是不会无限上涨的,最多每个 slot 消耗 100百万 金币