Special Event: Centaurian Visitors
A rolling thunder draws ever closer as centaurs move across the Atlan Plains toward the city of Atlantis. This elite team of Centaurians have coming seeking Nestor... but for what purpose?
Every two weeks, a new legendary hero will enter our realm, presenting great challenges. Fight them to get Heroic Tokens which you can exchange for Relic of Centaurian Heroes, the only way to summon any of these new heroes during the event.

Performance optimization: For devices running with low frames per second, fewer troops will be displayed to improve performance. This is the first step in our performance optimization process we have been collaborating with Unity Technologies.
Tournament optimization
Deploy time will not be counted into total battle time
Skipping an attack will now give the defense team two kills
Alliance optimization
Alliance leader and officers can now review the member recruit and removal logs.
Alliance war will be inaccessible for 24 hours if a player transfers to a new alliance.
Ability leveling daily quest will be excluded if all heroes’ abilities are maxed out.
Each Trial of Champions battle will be limited to 5 minutes. The remaining heroes will retreat after 5 minutes.
Daily boost will no longer be affected by time zone changes.
Fixed several display bugs in rune screen.
Fixed several bugs caused by rune filters.
Fixed a bug where a stunned defense tower cannot be destroyed.
Fixed a bug where debuffs could be removed by purge abilities.
Fixed a bug where race relics (like Relics of Budo Heroes) cannot be used to evolve in some circumstance.
Hero Re-balance
Kahara’s 3rd ability has duration increased
Sejiwan’s 2nd ability has higher chance to trigger
Nouri’s active ability has health shield value increased
Nouri’s 4th ability has higher chance to trigger
Finn’s 2nd ability has physical penetration bonus significantly increased
Finn’s 4th ability has physical defense bonus significantly increased
Xing’s 3rd ability has attack damage bonus significantly increased
Unomsa’s 2nd ability has health shield value significantly increased
Sobekos’s 2nd ability has magical defense buff and debuff significantly increased
Sagango’s active ability has duration increased
Mayar’s 2nd ability has physical penetration bonus increased
Melchoir’s 3rd ability has health shield value significantly increased
Tiandao’s 3rd ability has health shield value significantly increased
A rolling thunder draws ever closer as centaurs move across the Atlan Plains toward the city of Atlantis. This elite team of Centaurians have coming seeking Nestor... but for what purpose?
Every two weeks, a new legendary hero will enter our realm, presenting great challenges. Fight them to get Heroic Tokens which you can exchange for Relic of Centaurian Heroes, the only way to summon any of these new heroes during the event.

Performance optimization: For devices running with low frames per second, fewer troops will be displayed to improve performance. This is the first step in our performance optimization process we have been collaborating with Unity Technologies.
Tournament optimization
Deploy time will not be counted into total battle time
Skipping an attack will now give the defense team two kills
Alliance optimization
Alliance leader and officers can now review the member recruit and removal logs.
Alliance war will be inaccessible for 24 hours if a player transfers to a new alliance.
Ability leveling daily quest will be excluded if all heroes’ abilities are maxed out.
Each Trial of Champions battle will be limited to 5 minutes. The remaining heroes will retreat after 5 minutes.
Daily boost will no longer be affected by time zone changes.
Fixed several display bugs in rune screen.
Fixed several bugs caused by rune filters.
Fixed a bug where a stunned defense tower cannot be destroyed.
Fixed a bug where debuffs could be removed by purge abilities.
Fixed a bug where race relics (like Relics of Budo Heroes) cannot be used to evolve in some circumstance.
Hero Re-balance
Kahara’s 3rd ability has duration increased
Sejiwan’s 2nd ability has higher chance to trigger
Nouri’s active ability has health shield value increased
Nouri’s 4th ability has higher chance to trigger
Finn’s 2nd ability has physical penetration bonus significantly increased
Finn’s 4th ability has physical defense bonus significantly increased
Xing’s 3rd ability has attack damage bonus significantly increased
Unomsa’s 2nd ability has health shield value significantly increased
Sobekos’s 2nd ability has magical defense buff and debuff significantly increased
Sagango’s active ability has duration increased
Mayar’s 2nd ability has physical penetration bonus increased
Melchoir’s 3rd ability has health shield value significantly increased
Tiandao’s 3rd ability has health shield value significantly increased