Aaron (Heb., the exalted one)
Abel (Heb., breath)
Abner (Heb., father of light)
Abraham (Heb., father of a multitude)
Adalbert (Teut., nobly bright)
Adam (Heb., the one made; human being; red earth)
Adelbert (Var., of Adalbert)
Adrian (Lat., dark)
Aidan (Celt., fire)
Alan (Celt., cheerful)
Alban (Lat., white)
Albert (Teut., illustrious)
Alex (Short for Alexander)
Alexander (Gr., helper of men)
Alfred (Teut., good counselor)
Allan (Var., of Alan)
Allen (Var., of Alan)
Aloysius (Lat., Louis)
Alphonse (Teut., eager for battle)
Alvin (Teut., beloved by all)
Ambrose (Gr., immortal)
Amos (Heb., brave)
Andrew (Gr., manly)
Angeloa (Lat., angel)
Angus (Ir., one)
Anselm (Teut., divine helmet)
Anthony (Gr., priceless)
Antony (Var., of Anthony)
Aquinas (From St. Thomas Aquinas)
Archibald (Germ., nobly bold)
Arnold (Teut., eagle strong)
Arthur (Celt., supreme ruler)
Athanasius (Gr., immortal)
Aubrey (Fr., ruler)
Augustine (Dim., of Augustus)
Augustus (Lat., majestic)
Austin (Var., of Augustine)
Baldwin (Teut., noble friend)
Barnabas (Heb., son of consolation)
Barnaby (Var., of Bernard)
Bartholomew (Heb., son of Tolmai)
Basil (Gr., royal)
Becket (From St. Thomas à Becket)
Bede (Old English, prayer)
Benedict (Lat., blessed)
Benjamin (Heb., favourite son)
Bennet (Var., of Benedict)
Bennett (Var., of Benedict)
Bernard (Ger., bold as a bear)
Bertram (Teut., shining raven)
Bertrand (Var., of Bertram)
Bill (Short for William)
Blaise (Gr., babbler)
Blase (Gr., babbler)
Bob (Short for Robert)
Bonaventure (Lat., good luck)
Boris (Rus., fight)
Brendan (Celt., sword)
Brian (Celt., strong)
Bruce (Var., of Brice)
Bruno (brown)
Bryan (Var., Brian)
Burton (Teut., shining raven)
Byron (Old Eng., bear)
Cajetan (Lat., rejoice in)
Calaude (Lat., lame)
Caleb (Heb., bold, dog)
Campion (From Edmund Campion)
Carl (Var., Charles)
Carroll (Irish for Charles)