So who werethose people? Why did they emerge from an underground bunker? And what was withthose gas masks?
Thosequestions would have been answered in Season 5, which creator and star WillForte suspected would have been the series’ last. But instead, Fox cancelled the post-apocalyptic satire days after its Season 4 finale. Now, for the first time, Forte isopening up about what would have happened following that epic cliffhanger.
“[Thesepeople] went down [into the bunker] when the virus had first started,” Forterevealed on Vulture‘s Good Ones podcast. “They had some kind ofmedical expert or scientist who knew, ‘At this certain point, the virus will bedormant. You’ll be safe to get back out,’ and they had reached that point. Thenthey see a bunch of stragglers — us — and we represent a real threat to them,because they thought [everyone] was dead, so they quarantine us.
“Weeventually communicate with them a little bit [and] they get comfortable withus,” he continued. “They look scary but they end up being nice people.”
As was traditionfor the show, among the bunker people probably would have been one or twofamous guest stars, à la Jon Hamm, “and eventually we’d all get comfortable witheach other,” before they freed at least one of the survivors from quarantine.That, in turn, would have proven to be a fatal mistake. “We are immune to thevirus, but we’re carriers. And so we would infect them and they’d die likewildfire,” Forte revealed, “and then we’re back to just our little group, andmaybe one famous [guest star] we could talk into staying around.” All told,that arc would have lasted “four or five episodes.”
While manyfans remain disappointed that Last Man wasn’t granted a final season, Forteadmits that there was no vision for how the show would end. “We don’t know howwe were going to end the show,” he said, but “we would have found somethingthat would have been fitting for the audience.”
“延续这部剧的传统,会有一两个著名演员出演地堡里的人,à la Jon Hamm”“最终我们对彼此都放下防备,然后他们从我们当中释放了一两个人到外界。但结果是他们犯了一个致命的错误。我们对病毒有免疫功能,但是我们是携带者。所以我们会传染,他们就像星火燎原一样死了。”福特说,“然后我们就回归我们的小家庭,或许一个客串的著名演员会加入我们留下。”大概会持续个四到五集。
