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【钢铁之师 18.5.16】美军第1步兵师


1楼2018-06-01 16:38回复
    FIRST BLOOD, the free anniversary update for SteelDivision: Normandy 44, will beavailable tomorrow (wooohooooo!) and will feature 2 new FREEdivisions and unlock 2 ace models: Pierre Clostermann & Willy Kretzschmar.
    Let’s focus today on oneof the US Army‘s oldest division and without a doubt the mostexperienced one in the ETO, 1st Infantry Division “BigRed One“.

    2楼2018-06-01 16:39
      The 1st InfantryDivision was created in 1917 as part of the AmericanExpeditionary Forces (AEF) sent in Europe to fight in WW1.Aside from American volunteers already integrated within the French Army(such as the Lafayette Escadrille, Lafayette FlyingCorps, American Ambulance…), it was the first American unit toland in France, in June 1917. On October 21st, it was also the first Americanunit to see combat and suffer casualties. But for their first six months at thefront, the untested Americans were mostly kept in reserve, training orfighting under French or British supervision. On May 28th, 1918, BRO wasagain the first American unit to be engaged independently and to bring theUSA its first victory, at the battle of Cantigny. From then on, it took part inevery action fought by the AEF, including the battle ofSaint-Mihiel and the Argonne offensive, suffering about 20,000 casualtiesbefore the end of the war.
      After the Armistice ofNovember 18th, 1918, the “Big Red One” (BRO), as it was now knownfor its distinctive tactical insignia, entered Germany and took occupationalduties near Coblenz.


      3楼2018-06-01 16:40
        The last division toreturn to the USA in September 1919, BRO didn’t suffer thefate of most other AEFunits: although brought to a peacetimeTO&E, it was one of only four divisions to remain active throughout theInterwar.
        In early 1940, with warraging in Europe, it was reorganized, reinforced with organic support units andthe first Army division to undergo amphibious training.

        4楼2018-06-01 16:40
          BACK TO EUROPE
          Shortly afterthe USA entered WW2 on December 1941, command of the division was given toMajor-Gen. Terry de la Mesa Allen. His leadership style, informal,lax on military appearance but uncompromising regarding aggressiveness andcombat performance, commanding from the front and sleeping on the ground likeany private, soon got him the respect and even affection of his men. And forbetter or worse, shaped the division’s personality for most of the war.
          1941年12月美国参战后,大红一师的指挥权被交给了Terry de la Mesa Allen少将。他的别具一格的指挥方式很快赢得了下属的喜爱:不正式,不注重军容,但是在部队侵略性和战斗表现上高标准严要求,亲临一线指挥,像其他大兵一样睡在地上。不管是好是坏,他的领导塑造了大红一师在整个战争中的个性。

          As the Army‘sbest-prepared division, BRO was once again the first combatformation of its size to be sent to the European ETO, arriving in Britain inAugust 1942. Garrisoned near Glasgow (Scotland), it intensified itsamphibious training. While the men thought they were to immediately proceedwith the liberation of mainland Europe, they were to have a completelydifferent destination…

          5楼2018-06-01 16:41
            NORTH AFRICA
            On October 26th, 1942,the division was loaded on boats and the convoy headed out to see, sailingtoward North Africa. It was to take part in Operation Torch, theBritish-American landing in French Morocco & Algeria. As the main elementof Center Task Force, BRO was reinforced witharmors & Rangers and divided into two combat groups to take the cityof Oran (Algeria’s second major city) into a pincer: Force Z, underAllen’s direct command, was to land East of the city, and Force Y underBrigadier-General Theodore Roosevelt Jr. (son of US PresidentTheodore Roosevelt and cousin of then serving President Franklin D. Roosevelt)was to land West of it.

            The landing took place on November 8th justbefore 1 AM and in a matter of minutes the beaches were secured, the Frenchcoastal defenses being taken completely by surprise: most of the troops wereasleep or, for those in position to resist, without clear order about what todo against American invaders. Very few local commanders took upon themselves toorder to open fire, unlike what happened in Morocco where Vichy commanders hadbeen aware of the impending landings and had given clear orders to resist.
            With French Morocco& Algeria secured and the Vichy Armée d’Afrique sidingwith the Allies, BRO left Oran and moved West, toward Tunisia.There, Rommel’s once invincible DAK was soon to be corneredbetween the British, American & French troops attacking from the West, andthe British & Commonwealth ones advancing from the East in the wake oftheir victory at El Alamein.

            6楼2018-06-01 16:42
              Having receivedreinforcements in Tunisia, Rommel planned to attack the Americans first,whom he considered inexperienced, in order to rout them and thus have enoughtime to turn against his most dangerous foe: Montgomery’s battle-hardened EighthArmy. Therefore, he laid a trap for the American vanguard, composed ofthe 1st Armored Division supported by infantry combat groupsfrom BRO & 34th Infantry Division. In theissuing series of engagements fought between February 19th &24th, 1943, and known collectively as the “battle of Kasserine Pass“,the overconfident & overextended Americans were graced with a full display ofGerman Panzer skill: while having a slight advantage in numbers, theformer suffered about five times the losses in tanks & men they inflictedon the latter, and had to beat a hasty retreat. Although he would have liked topursue and finish them off, Rommel was confident he had accomplished hisobjective: teaching the Americans a lesson he was sure would take them long torecover, long enough for him to deal with his British arch-enemy.
              But as Winston Churchillonce put it: “You can always count on Americans to do the right thing –after they’ve tried everything else“. And at Kasserine, the Americansalmost tried everything that could have gone (and went) wrong at once: badleadership, bad communications, bad combined arms cooperation, overconfidence,overextended supply lines, … The disaster at Kasserine was the healthyelectroshock the US Army needed to “do the right thing”: to shake old habits,devise new tactics and training procedures, put a stronger emphasis oncommander’s initiative and replace WW1-minded officers with younger and moreenergic ones. As such, General Fredendall, commanding the US II.Corps during the battle was sent back home and replaced with GeorgePatton with Omar Bradley as his deputy. Not onlydid it take a much shorter time for the Americans to recover from thelesson they had been inflicted by Rommel than the latter had expected, but theywere soon to prove that they had actually been very studious pupils.
              One month afterKasserine, the reorganized II. Corps under Patton &Bradley was on the offensive again, advancing toward Bizerte. Von Arnim, whichhad replaced Rommel, opted for the same strategy: a violent assaultagainst the inexperienced Americans to put them out of combat quickly, thendeal with the “real” British threat. On March 23rd, about 50 tanks andsupporting infantry from 10. Panzerdivision emerged from ElGuettar valley and assaulted BRO. The first American lines werepushed back far enough for Allen’s HQ to be threatened by two German tanks, butwhen advised to evacuate, the general replied: “I will like hell pullout, and I’ll shoot the first bastard who does“. BRO lineswavered … yet did not break. The Germans soon ran into a minefield, while USreinforcements were brought into action, especially M10 Wolverineswhich engaged the German tanks. Three hours after initiating the battle,the Germans retreated, abandoning more than half their tanks behind them. Theylaunched another attack later in the day but were met with the same determinedresistance. BRO had won the day.
              凯赛林之战一个月后,重组的美国第二军在巴顿和布莱德雷的指挥下重新发动了向Bizerte的进攻。接替隆美尔指挥的Von Arnim采用了和他前任相同的战术:迅猛的攻击没有经验的美军部队,然后趁美军退却之时对付真正的威胁英军。3月23日,德军第10装甲师麾下的50辆 坦 克和步兵从El Guettar山谷发动了向大红一师的攻击。美军战线迅速收缩,连Allen的指挥部前都遭遇了两辆德军 坦 克。当他被建议撤离时,Allen回答道“我不会撤退,我会向撤退的家伙开枪”。大红一师的战线风雨飘摇,但始终没有崩溃。德国人很快进入了雷区,装备了M10 坦 克 歼击车的美军增援部队也很快赶到。发动攻击3个小时后,德军撤退,抛弃了超过半数的坦克。德军在当天稍晚发动了另一次攻击,不过也被挫败了。大红一师获得了当天的胜利。

              The campaign lagged onfor a more month before the last remaining Axis forces in Tunisia surrenderedon May 9th, 1943. By then, BRO had established a reputation asa reliable and efficient fighting force in combat. Its off-combat record wasn’tas prestigious though, the whole division having, according to Bradley, “assumedAllen’s cavalier attitude” and “left a trail of looted wine shops andoutraged mayors (…) in towns from Tunisia all the way toArzew“. One particular incident saw elements from the division “liberatingOran a second time”, this time from the US Army‘s own Servicesof Supply which was by then well-established in the city and hadthought wiser to close all their clubs and shops to the brawling andcelebrating combat troops.

              7楼2018-06-01 16:43
                After the Sicilycampaign, BRO was pulled out of the line and sent to GreatBritain in November 1943, having been selected as one of the assault divisionsfor the planned Normandy landing. It was both a testimony to theirunequaled experience in amphibious operations and an injustice to put onceagain the same unit in the line of fire. As exemplified by the British 7thArmoured & 51stInfantry Division during the Normandy campaign, asking too much evenof an elite formation could lead to battle-weariness, and Bradley was wellaware. Yet, as he commented: “Much as I dislike subjecting the 1st to stillanother landing, I felt that as a commander I had no other choice. (…) Myjob was to get ashore, establish a lodgment, and destroy the Germans. In theaccomplishment of that mission, there was little room for the niceties ofjustice“.
                Yet, despite BRO‘sexperience and combat record, Huebner sent his veterans back to training camps,drilling them drop-dead, something they regarded as an insult totheir skills and combat history… and didn’t help to improve the new commander’spopularity. The moral of the division reached an all-time low, yet Huebnerpersisted. And that might have been what saved the division from the fate ofthe aforementioned British Praetorians which were “law unto themselves”and “only obey those orders that suited them”: BRO wasdrilled back to humility by its new commander. Finally, moral and confidencewere restored and, although Huebner never enjoyed the popularity of hispredecessor (and veterans never hid the fact), he ended up being known as “TheCoach“.
                It is worth noting thatthe two other American assault divisions earmarked for D-Day, 4th & 29thInfantry Division, although inexperienced, were both led ashore bytheir respective division’s deputy commanders … both former BRO seniorofficers and trained under “Terrible Terry” Allen: TheodoreRoosevelt Jr. for the 4th ID at Utah Beach, NormanCota for the 29th ID at Omaha Beach. Theywere the only two generals to land with their assault troops on D-Day andboth have been since recognized as a major factor in the success of theirrespective division’s mission.
                On June 6th, elementsfrom the green 29th ID were put under command of the moreexperienced BRO, and together they received the mission of securinga beachhead at Omaha Beach. Landing in the wake of air and navalbombardments and right behind amphibious tanks, the assault troops wereexpected to mostly mop up the shell-shocked second-rate troops defending the area.As we know today, it didn’t happen that way with both preliminary strikesfailing to hit their targets or inflict any sensible casualties, and thewell-trained 352.Infanterie-Division having replaced the 716.Infanterie-Division in many defensivepositions facing the 1st & 29th ID assaultwaves. To make matter worse, all but two of the DD Shermanssupporting BRO had been launched too far and sunk in theChannel, and many units were put ashore in the wrong place.

                9楼2018-06-01 16:45
                  It was a literalslaughter, most of the men being shot at the door or within their landingcraft. The first wave was wiped out, taking up to 50% casualties and unable toadvance across the beach. In the most well-defended sectors, especially the onedesignated for the attached (and green) 116th Regiment from 29thID, companies from the first waves lost all their officers and were down toabout 25% of their initial strength in under 15mn.
                  The second and thirdwaves coming behind them were equally pinned down. Casualties & chaos wererising while new reinforcement and vehicles were delivered on a beach fullof dead, wounded and mixed up men from the Rangers, 1st & 29thID hiding behind the shingle. With many officers dead or out ofcombat, it came down to junior officers, NCO or individual soldiers to take thelead and find a way out. Despite losses, small groups of men managed toreorganize under fire, infiltrate the German positions and advance inland. Yet,by mid-morning, the landing at Omaha started being regarded asa failure.

                  On BRO sector,or what was supposed to be, 16th Infantry Regiment‘s CO ColonelGeorge Taylor started reorganizing combat groups regardless of theiroriginal units, putting any surviving officer or NCO in charge and sending themin the small gaps already created. To motivate his men to leave the protectionof the shingle, Taylor famously claimed that “Two kinds of people arestaying on this beach, the dead and those who are going to die – now let’s getthe hell out of here!” (a quote wrongly attributed to Norman Cotta in TheLongest Day). Soon, the gaps evolved into a breakthrough, and theassault troops poured inland.
                  BRO assault units suffered about 30%casualties, with those companies from the first wave paying the worst of theButcher’s Bill. Yet the division was given no rest and had to expand thebeachhead as fast as possible. From June 6th to 12th, the division performed a23km advance inland, bringing it in front of the strategic crossroad atCaumont-l’Eventé. The next day, the weary American troops stormed and capturedthe city … but missed an opportunity to cut the German front in Normandyin two: faced with a mere token force (two recon companies!) from 2.Panzer, they didn’t push forward after securing their objective,allowing the rest of this elite German division to arrive and take position infront of them.
                  What kept BRO frompushing forward, aside from losses and combat weariness, was also that itsadvance had placed it in an exposed salient with both the British on itsleft and the US 2nd Infantry Division on its right being heldback by stiff German resistance. Caumont was to be the link between US& British-Canadian sectors for the next two months and BRO & 2.Panzer were to become intimate foes.

                  1st Infantry Division was pulled out from Caumont in mid-July,given barely a week’s rest to refit and used as part of the breakthroughforce in Operation Cobra. Attacking on July 26th, BRO & 2ndArmored Division captured Le Mesnil-Herman the next day and Marignythe day after. Securing the offensive’s left flank, BRO heldMarigny against several counter-attacks from 2. SS-Panzer & 353.Infanterie Division.
                  第1步兵师在7月中撤离前线,休息了一周后,投入到眼镜蛇行动的突破中。7月26日,大红一师和美军第2装甲师携手相继攻克了Le Mesnil-Herman和Marigny,并守住了来自德军党卫军第2装甲师和第353步兵师的联手反击。

                  10楼2018-06-01 16:46
                    AFTER NORMANDY
                    Although sparedsome of the hardest fighting for the rest of the Normandy campaign, BRO wasnonetheless part of the pursuing force following the retreating Germantroops from Falaise to Northern France, and then to the Siegfried Line which itreached on September 16th, 1944. By October 1st, 70% of the men from 1stInfantry Division were replacements! After a mere two weeks training,they took part in the attack against Aachen, the first German city to becaptured by the Allies and one of the fiercest urban battle ever fought bythe US Army.
                    Immediately after thecapture of Aachen, BRO was thrown into the Hurtgen Forrest’smeatgrinder. Finally pulled out and placed in reserve to refit in earlyDecember … it was only to be committed again in a hurry at the end of themonth, to stall the German offensive in the Ardennes.
                    After the Battle of theBulge, BRO advanced in Germany, then entered Czechoslovakiawhere it liberated the labor camp at Falkenau. It was still in this country onMay 8th, 1945, when it learned about the German capitulation.
                    Among the first troopsto be sent to Europe, the Fighting First had been throughthree major amphibious assaults, fought in deserts, mountains, beaches& cities and collected an unequaled tally of sixteen Medal of Honor overthe course of the war.

                    11楼2018-06-01 16:46
                      THE BRO INGAME
                      A very infantry-centricdivision, BRO ranks among the very best ones the Alliesfielded in Normandy.
                      Here are some ofthe 1st Infantry Division‘s features:
                      · RECON: this is BRO‘smain weak spot: as an assault division unleashed on a well-defended beach,there was no need for scouts to pinpoint the enemy! BRO has,therefore, no scout in phase A, but for some USAAF’s A-20C heavyrecon planes. Recon (ground) troops are available from phase B.
                      · 侦察:这是大红一师的主要弱点,作为突击师,大红一师没有配备侦察部队的需要!因此该师在A阶段没有侦察兵,只有美国陆军航空兵的一些A20C重型侦察机。从B阶段开始,该师才有一些地面侦察部队。
                      · INF: BRO‘sfinest! There isn’t a pack in its infantry tab without a star, and half ofthem have two. Besides, phase A troops are specially formed elite assaultgroups divided according to their role: Assault Leader, AssaultTeam, Assault MG & Assault Breachers withmore strength than their regular counterparts (they were given extra-men inanticipation of losses) and extra assault equipment (TNT, smoke, flamethrowers,bazookas, …).
                      · 步兵:基本上所有步兵都是老兵部队(带星),半数是精锐(两星)。根据突击需要,部队各司其职:突击指挥官、突击小组、机枪突击组和突破组都比一般步兵拥有更强战力(更多人)和额外装备(炸药、烟雾弹、喷火器、反坦克火箭筒等)
                      · TANK: most of BRO‘samphibious tank support for D-Day ended up at the bottom of the Channel, hencetank support is pretty light in A, non-existent in B and finally arrive in C.
                      · 坦克:两栖坦克都沉进英吉利海峡了,所以A阶段该师没有太多装甲部队,B阶段也没有,直到C阶段才姗姗来迟。
                      · SUPP: as an assaultdivision, BRO was given a battalion of M7 Priest, including DDones to be used as assault guns. Unlike other infantry division, it was alsogiven a few half-tracks to be used as “light armor” or prime movers on thebeach.
                      · 支援:作为突击师,大红一师拥有一个营的M7牧师自行火炮,包括能作为突击炮使用的DD款。该师还拥有一些作为轻型装甲使用的半履带车辆。
                      · AT: for most of theNormandy campaign, BRO received only towed AT battalions asattachment, hence 76mm AT guns but no Wolverines. But BRO‘sorganic anti-tank guns (bazookas & AT 57mm) are also veteran or elite.
                      · 反坦克武备:诺曼底战役期间,大红一师只有拖曳式反坦克炮营,因此他们有76毫米反坦克炮,但没有狼獾反坦克歼击车。不过该师的反坦克火箭筒和57毫米反坦克炮都是老兵或精锐班组。
                      · AA: fearing Luftwaffe‘sinterference during the landing, BRO brought Bofors guns onthe beach in the first hours, with a few M15 & M16 to support and …tow them in the sand.
                      · 防空火力:惧怕德国空军在登陆期间的干扰,大红一师装备了博福斯防空炮和一些M15 M16半履带车。
                      · ART: as an assault division, BRO receivedfull support from the Navy. It can, therefore, count on off-maprocket artillery from phase A, as well as M7 Priest & naval artillery inlater phases.
                      · 炮兵:该师拥有海军炮火的全力支援,还包括M7牧师自行火炮。
                      · Economy: BRO‘seconomy is strong in A, doesn’t change in B and rise again somewhat in C.
                      · 经济:大红一师A阶段经济强大,B阶段保持,C阶段继续提高

                      12楼2018-06-01 16:47

                        13楼2018-06-01 16:47

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