Experiences Trip是由当地人设计行程的旅游服务。通过旅行中向游客介绍和讲解来让游客了解当地文化及向导本人的独特见解。以此让你有机会在行程中向外国旅客展现自己的知识、爱好和技能,并能提高你的英语能力,并能向他们介绍你最喜欢的景点和活动。我们将会逐步帮你建设具有你你个人特色的服务。通过与游客及当地人的交流来找到与你志趣相投的朋友,并向有趣的人学习。你可以根据自己的休息日制定适合你的日程表,不管是每天或是每周都可以。价格和团队的大小都可以自定,你将会有自己的主页供游客预定。我们期待着你的加入,不管你是精于太极还是茶道,书法或是漫画,我们都将帮助你制定最棒的行程。
Are you student? Do you speak a little English or other language? Or you have a hobby you want to share?
Experiences trip are activities designed and led by inspiring locals. They go beyond typical tours or classes by immersing guests in each host’s unique world. It’s an opportunity for anyone to share their hobbies, skills, or expertise with a foreigner and improve your English.
Introduce guests to the activities and places you’re most passionate about. We’ll help you design your experience step by step.
Connect with a community of travelers and locals who share your interests. You might make new friends, learn from enthusiastic people, or get someone excited about a new hobby.
Set a schedule that works for you, whether you host daily, weekly, or monthly. Pick your price and group size, work for yourself and earn extra income
You’ll get your own page on our website that travelers can use to book your experience.
So, join us and share your talents with curious travelers. Whether you’re a Taichi master, Chinese tea connoisseur, calligraphy artist or a manga fan we can help you create an awesome experience.

Experiences Trip是由当地人设计行程的旅游服务。通过旅行中向游客介绍和讲解来让游客了解当地文化及向导本人的独特见解。以此让你有机会在行程中向外国旅客展现自己的知识、爱好和技能,并能提高你的英语能力,并能向他们介绍你最喜欢的景点和活动。我们将会逐步帮你建设具有你你个人特色的服务。通过与游客及当地人的交流来找到与你志趣相投的朋友,并向有趣的人学习。你可以根据自己的休息日制定适合你的日程表,不管是每天或是每周都可以。价格和团队的大小都可以自定,你将会有自己的主页供游客预定。我们期待着你的加入,不管你是精于太极还是茶道,书法或是漫画,我们都将帮助你制定最棒的行程。
Are you student? Do you speak a little English or other language? Or you have a hobby you want to share?
Experiences trip are activities designed and led by inspiring locals. They go beyond typical tours or classes by immersing guests in each host’s unique world. It’s an opportunity for anyone to share their hobbies, skills, or expertise with a foreigner and improve your English.
Introduce guests to the activities and places you’re most passionate about. We’ll help you design your experience step by step.
Connect with a community of travelers and locals who share your interests. You might make new friends, learn from enthusiastic people, or get someone excited about a new hobby.
Set a schedule that works for you, whether you host daily, weekly, or monthly. Pick your price and group size, work for yourself and earn extra income
You’ll get your own page on our website that travelers can use to book your experience.
So, join us and share your talents with curious travelers. Whether you’re a Taichi master, Chinese tea connoisseur, calligraphy artist or a manga fan we can help you create an awesome experience.