回复 圣十字公爵P🔯 :三张图分别是搜索→接敌→交战的阵型排法,注意是大舰队决战的时候用的。
44年的PAC 10指令里面也强调这一点,可以看下斯普鲁恩斯在几次行动里给战列舰安排的屏护兵力:
would join the forces around Makin, giving Spruance a battle fleet of twelve battleships,nine heavy cruisers, three light cruisers, and twenty-eight destroyers.
The use of TG 58.3 as the advanced guard was deliberate. That group contained the two newest battleships, Iowa and New Jersey.
Spruance detached a high-speed surface striking force, TG 50.9, to intercept. Battleship Division 7 formed its core; two heavy cruisers and four destroyers were attached in support.
Mitscher used three carrier task groups: TG 58.1, which had no battleships, would range to the west and attack
Japanese airfields atWakde, Sawar, and Sarmi;TG 58.2, with the two fast battleships of Battleship Division 7, was to support the landings in Humboldt Bay;and TG 58.3, with four other fast battleships, would cover the landings in
Tanahmerah Bay.
Two additional plans were developed, for minor action, should the Japanese challenge with small forces.One teamed Lee¡¯s six battleships with two destroyer squadrons.The other was a pursuit force built around Battleship Division 7,very similar to TG50.9,which Spruance had sent around Truk; this time, the two fast battleships would be matched with two heavy cruisers and seven destroyers.