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Update 1.10.60 Q&A


Dear players,
Since the release of update 1.10.60, wehave been getting tons of questions, as well as great feedback. We thank youfor your support and we’d like to give an official response to some of thehotter questions:
Q: There are so many changes in one update,it’s too overwhelming. Can you do them in a more incremental way?
A: We apologize about introducing so manychanges at once. We understand it is very hard to digest and we will try tospace these system changes out in the future.
Q: I hate the new troop system. Can wechange it back?
A: We understand it’s a big change and thatit’s hard to adopt a brand new system particularly a system you may havepreviously mastered. The change requires you to restart farming on troops,which can be very frustrating. We discussed this design for weeks before westarted working on the revamp and truly believe it is the best direction, byallowing us to stretch our creative legs more often in the future. We plan toadd even more events to allow farming troop relics more quickly. We also planto add a new function to allow re-assigning troops for free under certaincircumstances. In general we want to keep the system as is, but make it lesspunishing for exploring new strategies.
Q: Why is unbinding a rune so expensive?
A: The rune unbinding cost is high becausewe designed it as a premium feature on top of rune binding which is free forall. There needed to be a risk for the reward. While we don’t plan to reducethe cost, we plan to add a new monthly event to allow unbinding each rune oncefor free. This will allow you to try new strategies or to give obsolete runesto new heroes without a cost.
Q: Why is Realm of Legends harder now? Canyou make it easier? Why is the gold loot from Dweller Vault so little, plus youremoved the rune drop?
A: We want to let you know the current tier-15rune drop rate is equivalent to original tier-20’s. You will see 100% 5-starrunes drop from the new tier-20 while this was not the case before. We don’thave any plans to adjust realm difficulties. For Dweller Vault, the reason wedidn’t increase gold drop significantly is the additional gem rewards we added.We plan to add even more events to give you more sources for gold/mana farming.
Q: Can you stop nerfing some of the heroes?
A: We understand you may have invested alot into a particular hero. When the hero gets nerfed it’s not a coolexperience. We tried our best to avoid nerfing heroes but you guys find newstrategies that we’ve never thought of that just go too far in terms ofbalance. Most of them can be countered by newer strategies but some becomedominant and severely break the game balance. Under those circumstances, we maychoose to nerf the heroes behind those strategies. In the future we willrelease a new function allowing all runes on the nerfed hero to be unbound forfree.
Q: Why were my hero stats reduced after the1.10.60 patch?
A: As stated in the patch notes, We “fixeda bug where Rune stats were stacking improperly”. Previously flat value bonusand percentage bonus were stacking which was not intended. That inflated theflat value bonus and 1.10.60 fixed it.
Wartide is our world and we are constantlyworking to improve it more and more for our players to enjoy. We have heardyour feedback and want to continue to hear back from you on these new changessoon to come.
Thank You Champions!

1楼2018-07-19 09:37回复

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