你好管理員,我是一名探探用戶,我曾經在使用探探期間賬號突然無故被你們封禁,本人沒有任何違規 而且你們沒有任何通知導致我一直以為的號是正常的!我在你們的官方微博反映情況,被你們的官方微博拉黑並且delete評論,作為一個探探用戶我覺得好hurt。所以我重新註冊的一個賬號,我之前的賬號是擁有VIP,充值VIP后第二天賬號就異常!最近我發現了你們探探有大規模女性用戶在資料,頭像留下wechat and the ICEQ,,看起身來應該是詐騙,不知道你們是如果讓他們存在的 希望你們看到我的評論后 給我一個答復!
(Hello,administrator.I am a software user,While I was using your software, you banned my account for no reason,Your authorities didn't give me any response,And I comment below your sina Weibo,But you put me on the blacklist and deleted my comments.I recharged your VIP account, and the account was banned the next day.I tried to use email, but I didn't get a reply.I recently registered a new account,Found that there are a lot of girls on it are cheating,Hope to contact you here, you can give me an answer.Hopefully this time I won't be blackmailed and my comments will be deleted.)
(Hello,administrator.I am a software user,While I was using your software, you banned my account for no reason,Your authorities didn't give me any response,And I comment below your sina Weibo,But you put me on the blacklist and deleted my comments.I recharged your VIP account, and the account was banned the next day.I tried to use email, but I didn't get a reply.I recently registered a new account,Found that there are a lot of girls on it are cheating,Hope to contact you here, you can give me an answer.Hopefully this time I won't be blackmailed and my comments will be deleted.)