学术论文。原题:论见与不见的辩证法——从《琅琊榜》中的视而不见说起。转自 《文化研究》(中国社会科学引文索引CSSCI来源集刊,南京大学人文社会科学高级研究院和首都师范大学文化研究院联合主办)第25辑,作者郑从容,南京大学讲师,主要从事西方文艺理论、英美文学、英语教学和翻译研究。
摘要 本文从《琅琊榜》中的看说起,通过对剧中各种视而不见的现象进行分析,试图揭示此剧颇具现代性的视觉教育意义。文章认为,剧中的视而不见虽然有的是无意为之,有的是有意为之,但都体现了见与不见之间的辩证关系。而此剧的核心目标真相,与英国批评家阿诺德“如实看清事物之本相”的现代性目标恰好一致,反映此剧在视觉性上隐含的颠覆性意义,也让它成为一个建构现代公民视觉性的优秀范例。
关键词 视觉文化 见 不见 辩证法 阿诺德
Abstract Through a thorough analysis of various kinds of invisibility manifested in “Langya List”,a hot TV show of 2015,this paper attempts to show the instructive visual indications of the TV series towards modernity. The invisibility in “Langya List” is made either intentionally or unintentionally,revealing a dialectic relationship between visibility and invisibility. The pursuit of truth,as the central goal of the TV series,is right in accordance with Matthew Arnold’s modern notion:“seeing things as they are.” With its subversion to the visual uniformity of Chinese tradition,“Langya List” is a good example of building modern civility through viewing.
Key words visual culture;visibility;invisibility;dialectics;Matthew Arnold
摘要 本文从《琅琊榜》中的看说起,通过对剧中各种视而不见的现象进行分析,试图揭示此剧颇具现代性的视觉教育意义。文章认为,剧中的视而不见虽然有的是无意为之,有的是有意为之,但都体现了见与不见之间的辩证关系。而此剧的核心目标真相,与英国批评家阿诺德“如实看清事物之本相”的现代性目标恰好一致,反映此剧在视觉性上隐含的颠覆性意义,也让它成为一个建构现代公民视觉性的优秀范例。
关键词 视觉文化 见 不见 辩证法 阿诺德
Abstract Through a thorough analysis of various kinds of invisibility manifested in “Langya List”,a hot TV show of 2015,this paper attempts to show the instructive visual indications of the TV series towards modernity. The invisibility in “Langya List” is made either intentionally or unintentionally,revealing a dialectic relationship between visibility and invisibility. The pursuit of truth,as the central goal of the TV series,is right in accordance with Matthew Arnold’s modern notion:“seeing things as they are.” With its subversion to the visual uniformity of Chinese tradition,“Langya List” is a good example of building modern civility through viewing.
Key words visual culture;visibility;invisibility;dialectics;Matthew Arnold