Still look for your trace within my memory, even if we are not together, even if we had an agreement,-- Let go, wish we both are happy。 

So you see, that is the emotions that the human being have,
I can't help it, only let it fill my mind and heart. 即便与君分离,仍旧希望知道君可安好,即便曾经约定,让其随风而去,彼此安好。想来,这便是人之情,无法逃避。

So you see, that is the emotions that the human being have,
I can't help it, only let it fill my mind and heart. 即便与君分离,仍旧希望知道君可安好,即便曾经约定,让其随风而去,彼此安好。想来,这便是人之情,无法逃避。