郑广赋吧 关注:15贴子:53
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他——郑广赋,可是他更希望别人能记住他另一个名字——可广(这是他皈依佛门的法号)。他,没有显赫的背景,没有可以载入史册的医学成就,更没有可歌可泣的事迹;甚至毕业于怎样的大学也无从查证。然而就是这样一位带着“三无”标签的人,从乡野到城市,从孩童到老年,总有一群人对这个不起眼的小个子充满敬意与感恩。他,不愿做高高在上的人生导师,只想努力成为一位平易近人的心灵挚友;他,不愿做被人供奉的"神医",只想用自己的仁心和智慧做一名良医; 他,不愿追求"一代名医"这样响亮的称号,只有一个朴素的心愿,愿人们偶尔想起这世上曾经有这样一位草根医生;他很平凡,可是他有一双智慧的"妙手",有一颗感恩的"仁心"。他,虽然是位外科医生,但主张能不手术就不手术,能不使用药物便不使用药物,以对病人损伤最小,尊重患者的生命与舒适为原则,同时把他们当成朋友,和他们一起成长与感悟,共同进步;他崇尚西方医学之父特鲁多的铭言:“有时,去治愈;常常,去帮助;总是,去安慰。”而这些行医准则都是受他的人生导师莫罕达斯·卡拉姆昌德·甘地[1] (非暴力不合作精神的创始人)和前南非总统曼德拉[2] 的影响。他们是他做人及行为之准则。让我们记住这位"人间活菩萨!"
His name is Zheng Guangfu but he prefers others to call him KeGuang (Buddhist name).He doesn't have prominent background, medical achievements or epic deeds; even we cannot verify his graduate university. However, from countryside to city, from children to seniors, there is always a group of people showing respect and gratitude to this little man.He doesn't want to be a life mentor at the top, but an approachable friend in heart. He doesn't want to be a famous "miracle doctor", but a good doctor with justice and morality. He doesn't want to pursue the fame of A Great Well-known Physician. He only has a simple wish, becoming a good doctor with healing hands in patients' heart.Although he is a surgeon, he refuses unnecessary surgery and medicine to protect patients' health as much as possible. He treats patients as his friends and they grow and think together. His idol, the father of western medicine, Trudeau said that "Sometimes to cure; often to help; always to comfort". And these criteria are learned from his life's mentor, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (the initiator of nonviolent resistance) and the the former South African President Nelson Mandela. They are guides of his life and behavior.Let us remember the "living Buddha".

1楼2018-12-07 10:15回复
    他——郑广赋,可是他更希望别人能记住他另一个名字——可广(这是他皈依佛门的法号)。他,没有显赫的背景,没有可以载入史册的医学成就,更没有可歌可泣的事迹;甚至毕业于怎样的大学也无从查证。然而就是这样一位带着“三无”标签的人,从乡野到城市,从孩童到老年,总有一群人对这个不起眼的小个子充满敬意与感恩。他,不愿做高高在上的人生导师,只想努力成为一位平易近人的心灵挚友;他,不愿做被人供奉的"神医",只想用自己的仁心和智慧做一名良医; 他,不愿追求"一代名医"这样响亮的称号,只有一个朴素的心愿,愿人们偶尔想起这世上曾经有这样一位草根医生;他很平凡,可是他有一双智慧的"妙手",有一颗感恩的"仁心"。他,虽然是位外科医生,但主张能不手术就不手术,能不使用药物便不使用药物,以对病人损伤最小,尊重患者的生命与舒适为原则,同时把他们当成朋友,和他们一起成长与感悟,共同进步;他崇尚西方医学之父特鲁多的铭言:“有时,去治愈;常常,去帮助;总是,去安慰。”而这些行医准则都是受他的人生导师莫罕达斯·卡拉姆昌德·甘地[1] (非暴力不合作精神的创始人)和前南非总统曼德拉[2] 的影响。他们是他做人及行为之准则。让我们记住这位"人间活菩萨!"
    His name is Zheng Guangfu but he prefers others to call him KeGuang (Buddhist name).He doesn't have prominent background, medical achievements or epic deeds; even we cannot verify his graduate university. However, from countryside to city, from children to seniors, there is always a group of people showing respect and gratitude to this little man.He doesn't want to be a life mentor at the top, but an approachable friend in heart. He doesn't want to be a famous "miracle doctor", but a good doctor with justice and morality. He doesn't want to pursue the fame of A Great Well-known Physician. He only has a simple wish, becoming a good doctor with healing hands in patients' heart.Although he is a surgeon, he refuses unnecessary surgery and medicine to protect patients' health as much as possible. He treats patients as his friends and they grow and think together. His idol, the father of western medicine, Trudeau said that "Sometimes to cure; often to help; always to comfort". And these criteria are learned from his life's mentor, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (the initiator of nonviolent resistance) and the the former South African President Nelson Mandela. They are guides of his life and behavior.Let us remember the "living Buddha".

    2楼2018-12-08 09:55
      他——郑广赋,可是他更希望别人能记住他另一个名字——可广(这是他皈依佛门的法号)。他,没有显赫的背景,没有可以载入史册的医学成就,更没有可歌可泣的事迹;甚至毕业于怎样的大学也无从查证。然而就是这样一位带着“三无”标签的人,从乡野到城市,从孩童到老年,总有一群人对这个不起眼的小个子充满敬意与感恩。他,不愿做高高在上的人生导师,只想努力成为一位平易近人的心灵挚友;他,不愿做被人供奉的"神医",只想用自己的仁心和智慧做一名良医; 他,不愿追求"一代名医"这样响亮的称号,只有一个朴素的心愿,愿人们偶尔想起这世上曾经有这样一位草根医生;他很平凡,可是他有一双智慧的"妙手",有一颗感恩的"仁心"。他,虽然是位外科医生,但主张能不手术就不手术,能不使用药物便不使用药物,以对病人损伤最小,尊重患者的生命与舒适为原则,同时把他们当成朋友,和他们一起成长与感悟,共同进步;他崇尚西方医学之父特鲁多的铭言:“有时,去治愈;常常,去帮助;总是,去安慰。”而这些行医准则都是受他的人生导师莫罕达斯·卡拉姆昌德·甘地[1] (非暴力不合作精神的创始人)和前南非总统曼德拉[2] 的影响。他们是他做人及行为之准则。让我们记住这位"人间活菩萨!"
      His name is Zheng Guangfu but he prefers others to call him KeGuang (Buddhist name).He doesn't have prominent background, medical achievements or epic deeds; even we cannot verify his graduate university. However, from countryside to city, from children to seniors, there is always a group of people showing respect and gratitude to this little man.He doesn't want to be a life mentor at the top, but an approachable friend in heart. He doesn't want to be a famous "miracle doctor", but a good doctor with justice and morality. He doesn't want to pursue the fame of A Great Well-known Physician. He only has a simple wish, becoming a good doctor with healing hands in patients' heart.Although he is a surgeon, he refuses unnecessary surgery and medicine to protect patients' health as much as possible. He treats patients as his friends and they grow and think together. His idol, the father of western medicine, Trudeau said that "Sometimes to cure; often to help; always to comfort". And these criteria are learned from his life's mentor, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (the initiator of nonviolent resistance) and the the former South African President Nelson Mandela. They are guides of his life and behavior.Let us remember the "living Buddha".

      3楼2018-12-11 14:18
        他——郑广赋,可是他更希望别人能记住他另一个名字——可广(这是他皈依佛门的法号)。他,没有显赫的背景,没有可以载入史册的医学成就,更没有可歌可泣的事迹;甚至毕业于怎样的大学也无从查证。然而就是这样一位带着“三无”标签的人,从乡野到城市,从孩童到老年,总有一群人对这个不起眼的小个子充满敬意与感恩。他,不愿做高高在上的人生导师,只想努力成为一位平易近人的心灵挚友;他,不愿做被人供奉的"神医",只想用自己的仁心和智慧做一名良医; 他,不愿追求"一代名医"这样响亮的称号,只有一个朴素的心愿,愿人们偶尔想起这世上曾经有这样一位草根医生;他很平凡,可是他有一双智慧的"妙手",有一颗感恩的"仁心"。他,虽然是位外科医生,但主张能不手术就不手术,能不使用药物便不使用药物,以对病人损伤最小,尊重患者的生命与舒适为原则,同时把他们当成朋友,和他们一起成长与感悟,共同进步;他崇尚西方医学之父特鲁多的铭言:“有时,去治愈;常常,去帮助;总是,去安慰。”而这些行医准则都是受他的人生导师莫罕达斯·卡拉姆昌德·甘地[1] (非暴力不合作精神的创始人)和前南非总统曼德拉[2] 的影响。他们是他做人及行为之准则。让我们记住这位"人间活菩萨!"
        His name is Zheng Guangfu but he prefers others to call him KeGuang (Buddhist name).He doesn't have prominent background, medical achievements or epic deeds; even we cannot verify his graduate university. However, from countryside to city, from children to seniors, there is always a group of people showing respect and gratitude to this little man.He doesn't want to be a life mentor at the top, but an approachable friend in heart. He doesn't want to be a famous "miracle doctor", but a good doctor with justice and morality. He doesn't want to pursue the fame of A Great Well-known Physician. He only has a simple wish, becoming a good doctor with healing hands in patients' heart.Although he is a surgeon, he refuses unnecessary surgery and medicine to protect patients' health as much as possible. He treats patients as his friends and they grow and think together. His idol, the father of western medicine, Trudeau said that "Sometimes to cure; often to help; always to comfort". And these criteria are learned from his life's mentor, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (the initiator of nonviolent resistance) and the the former South African President Nelson Mandela. They are guides of his life and behavior.Let us remember the "living Buddha".

        4楼2018-12-15 13:55