1. Do you oftenwatch films/movies?
2. Did you ofen watchfilms/movies when you were a kid?
3. Are there any differences between the films/movies you watched now and theones you watched when you were a child?
4. Do you prefer watching films/movies alone or with friends?
5. What kind ofmovies do you like?
6. Do you prefer towatch movies at home or in a cinema?
Drinking water
1. Do you likedrinking water?
2. Which one do you prefer, tap water or bottled water, why?
3. How often do youdrink water?
4. What kinds of waterdo you like to drink?
5. Do you drinkbottled water or water from water machines?
Morning Routine
1.Do you usually dothe same things in the mornings?
2.Do you think breakfast is important?
3.Did you do the same morning routines in your early ages?
4.Do you want to change your daily routines in the future?
5.What do you do inthe mornings?
6.Is breakfastimportant?
7.What is your morningroutine?
8.Do you like to getup early in the morning?
1. Which season do youlike the most?
2. Do people do the same sports in different seasons?
3. What kind of weather do you like?
4.Do you prefer dry orwet weather?
5.What kind of weatherdo you like most?
6.What’s yourfavourite season?
7.What kind of weatheris typical in your hometown?
1.Do you preferfashionable shoes or comfortable ones?
2. Do you have a favorite pair of shoes?
3. Do you buy shoes online?
4. How often do you buy shoes (online)?
5. What kind of shoes do you like most?
6.Did you have any special shoes to wear when you were a child?
7.How often do you buyshoes?
8.Have you ever boughtshoes online?
9.Do you know anyonewho likes to buy a lot of shoes?
10.What’s yourfavourite type of shoes?
1. Do you likecooking?
2. Why do some people enjoy cooking?
3. Have you cooked anything special?
4. Have you evercooked?
5. Do you likecooking?
6. Do you want tolearn how to cook?
7. Is it difficult tocook Chinese food for you?
1.What is yourfavorite color ?
2. When you were a child, which color did you like the most?
3. When buying a car, do you think the color is very important?
4. Do you like darkcolors?
5. Are there anycolors you dislike?
6. Do you usually wearclothes in your favorite color?

1. Do you oftenwatch films/movies?
2. Did you ofen watchfilms/movies when you were a kid?
3. Are there any differences between the films/movies you watched now and theones you watched when you were a child?
4. Do you prefer watching films/movies alone or with friends?
5. What kind ofmovies do you like?
6. Do you prefer towatch movies at home or in a cinema?
Drinking water
1. Do you likedrinking water?
2. Which one do you prefer, tap water or bottled water, why?
3. How often do youdrink water?
4. What kinds of waterdo you like to drink?
5. Do you drinkbottled water or water from water machines?
Morning Routine
1.Do you usually dothe same things in the mornings?
2.Do you think breakfast is important?
3.Did you do the same morning routines in your early ages?
4.Do you want to change your daily routines in the future?
5.What do you do inthe mornings?
6.Is breakfastimportant?
7.What is your morningroutine?
8.Do you like to getup early in the morning?
1. Which season do youlike the most?
2. Do people do the same sports in different seasons?
3. What kind of weather do you like?
4.Do you prefer dry orwet weather?
5.What kind of weatherdo you like most?
6.What’s yourfavourite season?
7.What kind of weatheris typical in your hometown?
1.Do you preferfashionable shoes or comfortable ones?
2. Do you have a favorite pair of shoes?
3. Do you buy shoes online?
4. How often do you buy shoes (online)?
5. What kind of shoes do you like most?
6.Did you have any special shoes to wear when you were a child?
7.How often do you buyshoes?
8.Have you ever boughtshoes online?
9.Do you know anyonewho likes to buy a lot of shoes?
10.What’s yourfavourite type of shoes?
1. Do you likecooking?
2. Why do some people enjoy cooking?
3. Have you cooked anything special?
4. Have you evercooked?
5. Do you likecooking?
6. Do you want tolearn how to cook?
7. Is it difficult tocook Chinese food for you?
1.What is yourfavorite color ?
2. When you were a child, which color did you like the most?
3. When buying a car, do you think the color is very important?
4. Do you like darkcolors?
5. Are there anycolors you dislike?
6. Do you usually wearclothes in your favorite color?